Good news for the faithful followers of actor José Luis Gil. The actor from La que se avecina is recovering favorably after the stroke he suffered on November 4, 2021. The Aragonese interpreter, who has been away from the media spotlight since then, is totally focused on his recovery through a tough rehabilitation with the that he hopes to evolve favorably and thus announce his return to filming. A return of the most expected among the followers of fiction.

During all this time, Irene, her daughter, has been in charge of sharing information on social networks about how her father was. She has done it through images in which the deteriorated tone of the actor was appreciated as a result of this serious setback, which she has in suspense to her closest environment. However, with the passage of time, the improvement of the interpreter, who turned 65 on December 9, has been appreciated.

This Saturday, José Luis Gil’s youngest eldest daughter has offered new details about the great advance in health that the actor and director is experiencing in this hard and long recovery process. “Every day a little further, every day a little better,” wrote the young woman, accompanied by her words with a photograph of her with her father, after a walk through the streets of Madrid.

At first glance, it can be seen that Gil’s appearance has improved remarkably since his last public appearance, which dates back just a month. “Now, they are the ones who need support and to give them a hand. Here we are, we have come to do what they have done so many times for us,” said the daughter of the actor who plays Enrique Pastor in La que se avecina .

There are many of the actor’s filming partners who have been sending him signs of affection during these months. They have also been revealing how he was. One of them is Cristina Castaño, who has a great relationship with the interpreter after meeting in La que se avecina. She has witnessed the great strides her friend has taken during recovery. The actress has commented on this new publication with various heart emoticons in which she shows her joy at this breakthrough. Loles León, Cristina Ruiz or Nacho Guerreros have also repeatedly shown their interest in their partner’s state of health.

Gil was admitted to the hospital on November 4, 2021 due to an acute ischemic stroke in the left hemisphere. After being hospitalized for 22 days, the actor continued his recovery at home. Last November he broke the little finger on his right hand. “We have had a bump in the road. Now, he does not lack energy, he has continued to rehabilitate and go out to have his coffee,” his daughter said then. However, it seems that little by little he ends up recovering.