He jumped into the media wake after passing through Operación Triunfo, the musical talent broadcast on Spanish Television that marked several generations. However, neither his third place nor his participation as a representative of Spain in the Eurovision Song Contest helped Ramón del Castillo to carve out a successful musical career.

And it is that this reality has happened to many triumphs that have gone through this Gestmusic format, reaching a peak of recognition that has later collapsed due to circumstances and a music industry that has not taken them by the hand. But, as is sometimes said, if you can’t beat the enemy, join him.

This is precisely what the interpreter of Llenarme de ti did, who after releasing two albums as a performer decided to take a radical turn in his career and focus on his audiovisual production studies.

In fact, he worked at the Norwegian production company Seefood TV, a place where he specialized as a camera assistant and which allowed him to learn Norwegian with all the guarantees. However, his passage through the Nordic country was not eternal.

And it is that this canary missed his land and finally decided to return to the archipelago to focus on a new role within the hospitality sector. In fact, he is now a cheese expert. All because, already with a family with growing children, he considered that he wanted to see how his children grew up in the same environment in which he did.

For this reason, despite having performed a few times, for the moment this artist does not plan to return to his more musical facet. And that during his stage in Operación Triunfo and subsequent participation in Eurovision Ramón del Castillo became one of the best-known faces on the national scene.

In fact, To Fill Me With You premiered at number one on the sales charts in Spain and his album remained on the same list for eleven weeks. And it is that the first single and song of hers that went to Turkey in 2004 to look for the crystal microphone was synonymous with recognition. So much so that he reached tenth place in that song contest.

A position that until 2022 would have seemed unthinkable for the Spanish delegation and that is remembered as one of the last in the top 10 of Eurovision. That’s why Para fillarme de ti continues to be heard in the most Eurovision circles: because there aren’t that many classics from the contest with such Latin rhythms.