The candidate for mayor of the formation ‘Veïns per Rubí’, Toni García, assures that he is being the victim of a political campaign against him. His ex-wife filed two complaints that he claims are false. Now, he affirms that the PSC environment is using the case to attack him, since he has denounced cases of corruption in the consistory.

One of the complaints is from December 2022, admitted for processing and pending judicial assignment, in which she is accused of crimes of threatening to kill her and her children, sexual assault, and physical and psychological abuse. For this reason, the visitation regime of her children has been suspended.

In a press conference, García has detailed that the facts denounced go back to the beginning of the relationship with his ex-partner, in 2006 and 2015, events that, according to him, “are false.” “There is nothing more painful for a father to be forcibly separated from his children,” he says.

García separated in May 2022 and, since then, he and his ex-wife agreed that she would have custody and he would have visitation on alternate weekends, as well as half of the children’s vacations, but little by little he was separating from them. The councilor maintains that the woman told him to get back together as a couple and that, in August, she told him to have sex, but he refused.

The woman, García explains, was upset when she found out that he had a profile on a dating application and since September his children refused to go with him on the weekends that were his turn. “They tell me that they don’t want me, that I’ve been mean to them, that I’ve hit them and yelled at them, a lie,” she says.

On December 23, he and his ex-wife were summoned to testify in court for a complaint in which he is accused of false facts, he defends. However, the magistrate applied precautionary measures suspending the visitation regime of the children, without applying any restraining order.

“For the first time ‘Veïns per Rubí’ will have the key to the governance of this city, all the polls are favourable,” he says. García points out that his ex-wife has met on several occasions with the mayoress of Rubí, Ana María Martínez (PSC), “just on the dates of the complaint.”

“‘Veïns per Rubí’ and I have headed and led the fight against corruption in this municipal government of the PSC of Rúbí,” says García, who recalls that they have denounced different cases of possible corruption before the prosecutor’s office and the courts of Rubí. “Proceedings were opened in two cases of investigation by the prosecutor’s office, and a police investigation was carried out by the National Police in one case, and by the Mossos d’Esquadra in another,” he says.

“We are working on the investigation of other possible cases of corruption by the Rubí PSC government,” he advances without details. That is why he points out that he is being a victim on social networks of “trolls” and profiles close to the PSC who, according to him, accuse him of being an abuser.

Despite having made the position available to the formation, it has decided to maintain trust and, therefore, will continue to be a councilor and candidate for mayor in the municipal elections next May.

For its part, the local PSC has been surprised by García’s press conference and by the fact that “he tries to get political gain from an act as serious and serious as an alleged case of sexist violence”, they highlight in a release. “The PSC trusts in justice and we hope that this case is dealt with in the appropriate spaces and with the rigor that the family deserves,” he adds.

Finally, they show their “maximum respect” for the privacy of the people that García names in his public complaint, “especially the minors involved.