The Granada dancer Rafael Amargo has once again been detained by the National Police, after performing a concert in the city of Alicante. The police would have allegedly discovered that the dancer had continued to deal drugs in recent months.

It is not the first time that Rafael has been arrested. Already in December 2020, he was arrested along with his partner and two other people, by the police at his home in Madrid, for trafficking substances, such as methamphetamine, ecstasy and ketamine. The operation got the name ‘Operation Codax’. The meaning of it is raven in Latin and it is nicknamed that way because of a picture of Bitter on his Instagram, in which he appears with some wings of this bird.

As reported by various media, such as Europa Press, the arrest occurred at 10:30 p.m., just after his performance in the Casanova room on San Isidro street in Alicante. At the moment, the bailaor is at the police station in the Valencian city. Investigators have reported that Rafael continued to traffic in narcotic substances from his home in the Madrid neighborhood of Malasaña.

In addition, last August the agents of the narcotics group at the Madrid Centro district police station investigated the complaint from various neighbors of the dancer Amargo, who claimed that he was selling substances from his home, due to the constant traffic and syringes that they came to find.

The Prosecutor’s Office requests 9 years in prison for Amargo, for the crime that occurred 2 years ago, in which he is accused of drug trafficking and leading a criminal group. Next June he will have to sit in the dock to testify about these crimes. The oral hearing will be on June 7, 8, 9, and 12 at the Provincial Court of Madrid.