Nuclio Digital School, the leading digital business school in the Spanish market, surprised once again with its ability to generate transformative educational experiences, creating an immersive event to celebrate the launch of the e-book “Dating Science: Match the discipline of the data”. It is illustrated with the fantasy and symbolic language of the renowned artist Ricardo Cavolo and designed with the help of artificial intelligence.

It was from the success in downloading the digital book that an event was called in Madrid in which the school redoubled its commitment, inviting an appointment between art and technology under the slogan: “Ricardo Cavolo vs DALL·E 2. The end of art? The topic aroused the interest of many fans of the creative and scientific world, who gathered to experience, in first person, the unprecedented statements of a brush artist, about his adaptation to new technologies, the advantages and challenges of the.

In the words of Cavolo: “If I have to decide, it is in favor. If you asked me 5 years ago, do you see yourself doing NFTs? I probably would have answered no. And now I am doing it, I am open to that world, although obviously with criteria. At the same time, I love being able to think that I can do everything and use artificial intelligence. What I don’t want to forget is my identity and that the tool absorbs me and loses me. I like being able to develop my own universe and learn to use new technologies, not only to fit into the market, but because this is in year 0.1 and surely in time we will work very differently with artificial intelligence, like when the photography came to break into the world of painting”.

As a counterpart to this, Cavolo clarified: “It is true that the algorithm uses works that have already been done, but it always works that way. The basis of my work are the painters, illustrations, video clips and comics that influenced me. In the case of tools like DALL·E, arts are generated based on what is most trending, what people like the most on the internet… they are based on algorithms. Which is a danger in ethical matters, since, for example, if there is a country where there is a problem of racism, it is possible that there are already generated images that are racist and therefore the algorithm disseminates them. It’s like a monster that’s growing in the room and you have to learn to control it really well.”

Dating Science was launched for free with the aim of democratizing information, achieving more than 5,000 downloads in its first 2 days. The reason for the great reception it had is mainly due to the fact that it manages to introduce concepts such as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Machine

That is why 5 experts in the world of data, Espartaco Camero, Jesús Prada, Massimiliano Brevini, Toni Badia and Carlos Pérez, explain what no one dares to say about the digital discipline with the greatest market demand, according to recent research. from Nuclio School. What are the business benefits, social challenges, ethics and legality that the predictive use of data implies? What good and bad practices can be involved in the application of artificial intelligence for topics such as health or education? What doors does Data Science open (or close) to the future?

Some of the examples that are used to understand the different topics are, for example, the releases of BARD (from Google) and ChatGPT (from OpenAI) that could replace or collaborate with workers of different positions; privacy breach cases with Cambridge Analytica, Meta and Amazon; the prediction of diseases in healthy people, fake news, personalized recommendations in advertising; or the use of an algorithm to identify which players were offside in the Qatar 2022 World Cup.

In 2006, one of the first data scientists in history, Clive Humby, said that “data is the new oil”. The e-book corroborates this comparison and states that, in the future, Data Science should be part of everyone’s basic training, because it will allow answers to many of the questions. In this sense, there is an increasing need for talent that knows how to treat and manipulate data efficiently.

Regarding this, Jared Gil, CEO and Co-Founder of the school, took advantage of the event to invite all those who are looking for a privileged place in today’s world of work: “If you are here it is because we have something in common. The unstoppable fire of the digital revolution unites us. It is not enough to be part, we want to be protagonists, leaders. The exciting world of data has much more to explore. Taking the next step is up to you. I invite you to learn more about the tech masters at Nuclio Digital School. We will be by your side ensuring momentum.”

If you are interested in the digitization of business and want to understand the new world that has already arrived, remember to read the e-book of the moment.