The visit to Pikolino’s, one of the main Spanish footwear companies, was the highlight of the visit that the national leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, made yesterday to Elx. It is not a minor detail that Rosana Perán, director of the company founded by her father, currently occupies the presidency of the Federation of Footwear Industries of Spain (FICE), the most representative position of a key sector in the economy. valencian.

She and her siblings -Juan Manuel, president of the company, and Carolina, brand manager- accompanied the Galician politician and Carlos Mazón, already active in his pre-campaign for the Presidency of the Generalitat, on a visit to the factory located in the Business Park from Elx, a modern industrial estate that houses some 700 companies that employ some 13,000 workers.

In this context, the national president of the PP took the opportunity to recall a fact that particularly stings the Alicante business community: the fact that the province occupies the last position in state investment per capita, being the fifth in population and Gross Domestic Product. For Feijóo, it is “an anomaly that we have to correct.”

In addition, he promised that, if he presides over the next government after the general elections, he will return to the Valencian Community offering the solution to two of the oldest and most complex problems that affect it: the regional financing model and the scarcity of water in as regions of southern Alicante, for which it plans to achieve a Water Pact “based on consensus between the autonomies”.

“I assure you that I will not come to make a triumphant balance in the Valencian Community while I do not solve the discrimination in regional financing and I do not propose a Water Pact with solid technical reports and based on dialogue and consensus between the communities”, he assured before to add “I assume both commitments in a Spain where much is said and sometimes little is done”.

Of Pikolinos, which has a staff of 650 workers and which exports 75% of the footwear it manufactures, Feijóo highlighted that it is an “exponent” of a “very powerful industry in Spain” and praised the trajectory of the company created by Juan Perán.

Together with the pre-presenter of FICE and that of Avecal, Marian Cano, Feijóo welcomed the positive evolution of the Spanish shoe sector, which had a turnover of 3,000 million euros last year and where one in three companies exported more than 75% and 66 % percent sell online to everyone 365 days a year.

The popular leader once again criticized the pension reform approved in Parliament with the opposition of his party, which in his opinion only seeks “to reach the elections but does not guarantee the sustainability” of the system because it is aimed at making employment more expensive through the quotes when it should be looking to facilitate job creation.

Feijóo thinks that there will be no sustainable system if Spain does not cease to be the country with the highest unemployment in the EU, with twice the rate of youth and female unemployment, which places the country, along with other data such as the public deficit, “in the red lantern from Los 27”.

Among the economic measures that he proposes, he outlined the zero quota for the self-employed the first year, a special quota to promote youth employment and an increase in FP places between schools and companies to facilitate job opportunities.

Feijóo assured that he knew well the popular candidate for mayor of Elche, Pablo Ruz, who was also present at the visit, since both are colleagues in the Senate. And he stressed that his greatest ambition is “to be mayor.”

Carlos Mazón took advantage of this new support from Feijóo to expose footwear “in the third city of the Community and industrial capital”, to influence the latest data on the deficit and Valencian debt to affirm that it is “an economic disaster and a great slab that we are going to have to assume and it has no reason to be”.

Mazón expressed his satisfaction that the Generalitat “has backed down” to return to the two mammogram readings, which will mean that after two months without doing so, the 800,000 women who pass these tests every two years will benefit after, he assured, the PP denounced it.