Regret those of you who have ever said the cliche of everything is in Shakespeare, or the more current version everything is in Game of Thrones. What is in the Ana García Obregón affair and the rented belly is not in the Swan of Avon, or even in the Greek classics.

In the interview with ¡Hola! , Obregón reveals that the sperm used for surrogacy is that of his late son Aless. Shaken in the networks. Hands on head and a lot of disbelief. Like seven days ago. It is worth saying that Jiménez Losantos was the first to dare to raise this possibility, a week ago. “The macabre theory of Jiménez Losantos about the ‘maternity’ of Ana Obregón”, headlined a sports newspaper. Well, nothing macabre. Here we have it. As a global summary of the Obregón issue, that of @profdhistoria: “The philosophy professors have their classes done until 2050”. There are many debates. One that derives from this is that of mental health. But there is another: that of pornographic overexposure.

Philosopher Amador Vega let it go during one of his very serious History of Ideas classes: “We are in a pornographic world: everything is shown”. He did it years ago in response to the cries and monkey dances with which a student, from the other side of the large windows of the Pompeu Fabra University classrooms, unconsciously interrupted the mystique of his classes.

We live in a pornographic world. Networks today contribute to this. But we don’t need them. The traditional means are enough. Obregón gave us the last sample. Everything is exposed. And everything is sold. First photos stolen?; then the interview. “He has just bought her and he has already sold her”, said @luisoarte in reference to the conversation in the magazine, where the actress comes to admit that she has no idea if the girl was born in a planned way, naturally, by caesarean section “I only know that they called me and I went there”. I shoot

The icing on the cake was Lecturas, who counterattacked and… competed! with photos of the expectant mother. We even know the price. No one is talking about Shakira anymore, who has made a play on the overexposure of her children. Now who also pays the bill are the clinic and the expectant mother, who with the little girl Ana Sandra have made García Obregón a great-grandmother. She is legally his mother; biologically and genetically, the grandmother.

Too much display of a little girl who will have to manage well who she is and what has been sold about her as soon as she grows up. Where there is no debate is about their rights. His condition cannot remain in legal limbo, to begin with. It is necessary to protect her and restore her privacy and the lack of protection she has suffered by selling her story. Too much porn just born.