One in four Spanish products is still manufactured in Catalonia. However, before they were one in three. The Catalan industry loses weight thanks to relocation. China has absorbed much of this industry. Globalization, however, showed its limits with the pandemic and continues to do so with the war between China and Taiwan.

Catalan industry has gone from representing 30% of manufacturing production in Spain to being 25%. Since 1955, the weight of Catalan industry in Catalonia’s GDP has fallen by two thirds. Today it represents 17%, surpassed by commerce and hospitality (26.8%).

Two years ago the courts approved a law that prevents the government of the judges from appointing magistrates to the Supreme Court while it is in office, an anomalous situation that lasts five years due to the opposition of the PP to agree to its renewal. Now the Constitutional Court is preparing to annul this law. A relief for the Supreme.

The Basque parties celebrated the day of the homeland yesterday from pragmatism. Abandoning unilateral sovereignty has strengthened them, especially in Madrid. Now PNV and EH Bildu embody the political normalization of the Basque Country.

Second day of military exercises by the Chinese army around Taiwan and second day of tensions. Taiwanese mirages patrolled its airspace, while 79 Chinese planes and nine ships simulated attacks on key targets on the island.

Between 2024 and 2030, France will invest 413 billion euros in modernizing its armed forces. The Élysée believes that it is necessary to maintain the status of a great military power. The street, meanwhile, protests the cut in pensions.

Reusable plastic bags are more ecological than cloth bags if they are made from recycled materials and we use them many times. The most sustainable are polypropylene and polyethylene.

In Catalonia there are 200 towns in a critical situation of depopulation. Its mayors and inhabitants ask the Generalitat to simplify bureaucratic procedures -today comparable to those of a big city- to make life easier and stop the emptiness of rural areas.

Laureano Fernández-Cruz, pioneer surgeon in pancreas transplantation. “We caused a revolution in the world of transplantation.” Read it here.

In Japan the streets do not mark the addresses of the houses, but the blocks. In the United States, streets usually have numbers. In Europe they have names that respond to political interests. Researcher Deisdre Mask has reviewed the gazetteer of cities on all continents and has expressed her conclusions in El Callejero (Captain Swing), an essay that will make you better understand where you are going.

Ignasi Aballí is one of the most renowned contemporary artists, especially after his success at the last Venice Biennale. The studio where he creates in the Raval neighborhood of Barcelona concentrates his poetic vision of life and the human being.

Moisès Sala is a musician and composer, director of various choirs, who has set out to teach the inhabitants of a town in Malawi to sing that was hit by a devastating cyclone in March. “Music is life,” he says.

Gregorio Luri, teacher. “Today the new has more value than the good”. Read it here.