Carlos Prieto (Barcelona, ​​1975) has moved up a step from his previous position as sub-delegate of the Government in Catalonia. He replaces at the head of the representation Maria Eugènia Gay, who will dedicate her energies to the electoral campaign as number two in the candidacy for Barcelona of the socialist Jaume Collboni. Prieto, who will combine the new position with the direction of the mayoral campaign, intends to continue the work of dialogue and collaboration with the Generalitat started in 2018 by Pedro Sánchez.

How do you feel about your choice to replace Maria Eugènia Gay?

I feel a great honor for the fact that the President of the Central Government has trusted me to carry out this task of continuity that was started by Teresa Cunillera and then Maria Eugènia Gay. My goal is to continue working for the interests of Catalans with regard to the competences of the Government of Spain.

His profile is very different from Gay’s. He is a party man, from the PSC…

Maria Eugènia Gay has one career, and I have another, but institutions are above people and the mission is the same: to continue the work of direct relations with Catalan institutions with a spirit of dialogue. I am a person with a lot of dialogue and I have received signs of affection from all the political formations, who appreciate that a person with a profile of dialogue and agreement has been elected.

What is the relationship between the central government and Catalan?

The relationship is one of fluid and constant dialogue. The dialogue process has made the Catalonia of 2017 look nothing like the one of 2023. The dialogue and the pact have borne fruit and we are starting to talk about policies, transfers, legitimate demands from the Government towards the Government of ‘ Spain, of issues that affect day to day, and this is the result of the policy undertaken by Pedro Sánchez in 2018, which also required the collaboration of the Government.

Will the dialog table resume at some point?

The dialogue table has been important to restore normality, cordiality and understanding between governments. The important thing is that there are in all possible areas of day-to-day life and that bridges, meeting points, not confrontation are established. The confrontation must be for legitimate jurisdictional demands, for transfers of services, and is done in the legal field.

One of which is the B-40…

The B-40 is an agreement between the president of the Generalitat and the leader of the opposition for some necessary budgets. I am absolutely convinced that the president will fulfill the agreement, and it doesn’t matter if it is a week or two from now. If the Government wants to sign it tomorrow, we can do it.

The differences are financing and concept…

Until we take the first step and sign the agreement, we will not be able to take the next step, start working technically.

Drought is another burning issue on which there has been no political consensus.

The pandemic has shown us that, if we work in a coordinated manner, at the institutional level, and with a lot of dialogue, any decision can be taken by consensus. We must try to find this consensus between the Generalitat, parliamentary groups and town councils to face a crisis that affects us all.

Is the Government doing well with European funds?

6,700 million euros from European funds have arrived in Catalonia; of this money, 3,200 million are for direct management to rehabilitate housing, social rent, scientific and cultural infrastructures… Each administration must do what it has to do. We are the country that has received the most European funds, and I think we are on a good track. We simply have to try to be more agile, faster, so that these investments reach the citizens.

In what are these funds noticeable?

For example: Catalonia has 3.6 million registered Social Security; 254,000 people have benefited from the interprofessional minimum wage; pensioners receive an average pension of 1,400 euros when at the beginning of the legislature it was 1,100 euros; we have 130,000 beneficiaries of the electric social voucher; more than 100,000 scholarship students, and more than 140,000 beneficiaries of the minimum living income…

The Via Laietana police station is another hot topic. The PSOE rejects the delivery.

The prefecture on Via Laietana is a resigned building because it is occupied by a democratic police force, the National Police. It has been admitted that there was torture there during the Franco regime, but it is and will be used by the police, although some formula can be sought to find a space for the memory in its dependencies.

How is he seeing the management of the Minister of the Interior?

I strongly believe in the Mossos d’Esquadra, and there is a spirit of constant collaboration between the Mossos, the Civil Guard, the National Police and the local police. The most important thing is this, to create security and improve the perception that citizens have. The work being done is loyal and effective because the coordination between the bodies is exemplary.

Pedro Sánchez seems to be closing the door on the pardon in Borràs…

First, there needs to be a firm judgment. Then, it is a case of flagrant corruption. Until there is a firm ruling, we will not take any steps forward or enter into speculation.

Can the direction of the Collboni campaign be combined with the Government Delegation?

I continue to run this campaign, but I have a great team that takes care of the day-to-day. I dedicate myself and will dedicate myself body and soul to honoring the responsibility I have as a delegate of the Central Government.