Terelu Campos is going through a very hard time. Both she and her sister Carmen Borrego are seeing how her mother, the legendary television presenter María Teresa Campos, is gradually aging and how each day it is more difficult for her to be independent.

Little trace remains of the vivacious journalist from Malaga who for years led great success programs on national television. The 81-year-old communicator is physically quite weak, although stable. For this reason and for the first time in decades, her daughters decided not to take her to see Holy Week in her homeland, Malaga.

“My mother is with us, thank God, and, simply, my mother is not going to go to Malaga because we do not think it is appropriate,” Carmen Borrego told the television cameras. ”I’m going to be with her and being with my mother will never be sad for me,” she added shortly before the Easter holidays.

During the processions in the Andalusian city, the granddaughter of María Teresa Campos, Alejandra Rubio, declared that she missed her grandmother very much, but that she also understood the situation: “It’s what it takes.” For her part, Terelu Campos spoke that they had been very strange and sad days in Malaga, since it was noticeable that the matriarch was not with them.

After a few days of vacation in which she tried to disconnect from her responsibilities and concerns, Terelu Campos returned to the Madrid capital because she had to work on Sálvame, the Telecinco program she presents.

The problem came when in the city of Cibeles he began to feel that something was not right. The Mediaset collaborator began to suffer some very painful discomfort in her joints, for which she went to the hospital urgently.

Alejandra Rubio’s mother explained in her blog for Lecturas magazine what happened to her when she arrived from her mother’s hometown: ”On Tuesday I arrived in Madrid and I had to go directly to the Jiménez Díaz Foundation because I had tremendous pain in the knees”.

As the communicator explained, this pain she felt in her right knee was due to a gesture of exaltation that she made when she saw her beloved Virgen de la Salud pass through the streets of Malaga. Carmen Borrego’s sister could not resist and knelt before her: ”When I saw her go through the Bridge of Dawn, I became a real sea of ​​tears. I couldn’t contain myself from her and had the urge to kneel in front of her when I saw her. I didn’t stop praying to him.”

“I don’t know how many syringes of liquid they took from my right knee,” he explained to his readers while assuring that he would do it again, since it was an act of faith that he had promised.

Despite the fact that it did not go further and the situation did not become more serious, Terelu Campos has recognized that he is going through a tough stage, both physically and mentally. In addition, he feels a lot of emotional stress: ” I confessed to you that it would be the most difficult Easter Week of my life and I was not wrong. Being there and feeling that my mother was not there has been harder than I thought.