The PSOE, Unidas Podemos and ERC see it as possible to close an agreement on the housing law in the next few hours, according to sources involved in the negotiation cited this Friday by the Ser chain. These sources indicate that the bulk of the agreement is practically closed and only the announcement, which will be in a matter of “hours”.

Specifically, government sources hope that it will be the parliamentary partners, specifically Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC), who will imminently communicate the agreement to carry out the rule. In the Republican party they point out that this Friday they could make public the details of that pact and their vote in favor.

This would allow the parliamentary process to be unblocked next week so that the text is approved in Congress and the Senate in the four plenary sessions that remain before the elections on May 28, so that the parties involved could offer the Housing law as a new electoral argument.

In fact, the secretary of Municipal Policy of the PSOE, Alfonso Rodríguez Gómez de Celis, announced yesterday Thursday that the agreement could be reached in the next few days and party sources specified later that there are “advances” in the negotiation.

Sources from Unidas Podemos told EFE that the agreement could be reached next week and that the dialogue continues to be led by the two ministries involved: Social Rights, headed by the general secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, and the Department of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda. , headed by the socialist Raquel Sánchez.

However, the same sources also confirmed the involvement of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the Second Vice President and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, in the talks that date back weeks. Some contacts between the president and the vice president that are not new and that already occurred in other laws in which it was difficult for the two government partners to agree, such as the trans law or the labor reform. In any case, the sources of the purple party emphasize that the harmony is total in the political space of Unidas Podemos and Sumar on the housing law and that the agreement with the socialist part of the Government will be joint.

Yesterday, Sánchez himself was convinced that the norm will be approved in this legislature. “Every minute that passes in these last days I am more convinced that this legislature is also going to give birth to the first housing law of democracy,” said the also general secretary of the Socialists in an act of the PSOE in Cáceres. There, the President of the Government recognized that there are still many difficulties for young people to access housing at a reasonable age and not at the ages we are seeing.