The Foral Police of Navarra and the Civil Guard of Navarra, within the framework of a joint investigation called ‘Operation Archimedes’, have achieved the complete dismantling of a clandestine laboratory for the manufacture of explosives from the synthesis of explosive precursor substances, located in a town in the Pamplona Basin.

Explosives precursors are chemical substances that, from certain concentrations and mixed with each other or with other products, are likely to be used for the homemade and illicit manufacture of explosives, for which reason their trade, acquisition, possession and use are rigorously controlled. to prevent its diversion for illicit, violent or terrorist purposes.

For its legal acquisition in our country, it is necessary to previously have a license granted by the Ministry of the Interior through the Intelligence Center against Terrorism and Organized Crime (CITCO), which is the National Contact Point for precursors.

As reported by the bodies responsible for this operation, the investigations began following the arrest of an individual for an episode of ill-treatment in the family environment. This event led to the creation of a Joint Investigation Team made up of specialist agents from the Provincial Police and the Civil Guard Information Service to investigate the possible commission of a crime of illegal manufacturing and deposit of explosive substances.

After carrying out a search at the family home of the person investigated, all the necessary elements for the manufacture of explosives were found, such as explosive precursor substances, other chemical products also used for their manufacture, as well as small finished explosive devices, matches electrical (detonators), chemical formulas and instructions and laboratory material for the synthesis of explosives (pipettes, flasks, thermometers and beakers).

With the products seized in the clandestine laboratory, the following homemade explosives could have been made: triacetone triperoxide (TATP), ammonal, black powder and thermite; all of them very dangerous and highly destructive.

Among all the explosives that he had made or tried to make, TATP, also known as the ‘Mother of Satan’, stands out for its danger, an explosive usually used by Islamist terrorist groups, explained the Provincial Police and Civil Guard.

The investigation carried out has made it possible to determine that the person investigated had acquired the necessary knowledge for the manufacture of explosives through manuals and video tutorials downloaded from the Internet. Likewise, numerous photographs and videos (taken by himself) have been located, in which the methodology used in the manufacture of explosives is recorded and the results of the explosions of tests carried out with them in which their destructive power.

As a result of the investigation, it was also possible to identify several establishments located in different Spanish provinces that had improperly sold explosives precursors to the detainee; These establishments have subsequently been the subject of administrative inspections carried out jointly by CITCO agents and the Civil Guard Information Service, formulating the corresponding complaints for the provision of explosive precursor substances to individuals who lacked the corresponding license for their use. legal acquisition.

With this action, not only has the explosives that the detainee tried to manufacture been prevented from being used for illicit purposes or diverted to the black market; but also the enormous existing risk to the life and physical integrity of both the detainee himself and the relatives who lived with him in the home where the clandestine workshop was installed in the event of an accidental explosion during handling or storage has been avoided.

The operation was carried out by members of the Information Division of the Foral Police and the Information Group of the Civil Guard of Navarra, with the support of the Information Headquarters (UCE-3) of the Civil Guard, the Deactivation Group of Explosive Devices and CBRN Defense of the Civil Guard of Navarra (GEDEX), the Brigade for Crimes against Persons of the Foral Police, the Assistance Brigade of the Foral Police, the Foral Police Laboratory Crime Brigade and the Criminalistics Service of the Civil Guard (SECRIM).

The investigation has been coordinated by the Court of First Instance and Instruction Number One of Aoiz (Navarra).