What used to be an exception has now become commonplace. Electric scooters and other personal mobility vehicles (VMP) have been gaining followers to move around the city, especially among the youngest. They are so fast and easy to use that it is common to see minors on this alternative transport vehicle. However, although the use of the scooter has many advantages, whoever drives it and those responsible for it must know everything that its use implies. Because, as in almost everything, there are rules. And not following them also carries risks.

The fact that the driver of the scooter is a minor does not exempt him from riding it where the regulations establish and with the helmet on. According to the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT), it is prohibited for VMPs to go on sidewalks, pedestrian areas, crossings, highways, dual carriageways, interurban roads or tunnels in urban areas. The routes authorized to circulate are indicated by a municipal ordinance. In addition, the speed of these vehicles must be between 6 and 25 km/h, the latter being the maximum speed.

Neither is any electric scooter valid. In order to be used on public roads, VMPs must have a circulation certificate that guarantees compliance with the technical requirements required by national and international regulations. Like other vehicles, it is worth worrying about its characteristics and its maintenance. Thus, it is mandatory to have a braking system, an acoustic warning device (bell), lights and rear and front reflective devices.

The authorities can request an alcohol and drug test and in minors the admitted rate is zero. Driving an electric scooter under the influence of alcohol and other toxic substances can lead to a fine between 500 and 1,000 euros depending on the rate of alcohol or 1,000 euros if it is drugs. In addition, if it tests positive, the vehicle will be immobilized, as happens with the rest of the vehicles and as will also happen if the driver is fined 200 euros because he is not wearing a helmet.

If you go on a scooter, you cannot use your mobile phone and you cannot use headphones. What is just a WhatsApp voice message? It doesn’t matter, they can’t be used to hold a conversation while driving either. In any case, if a call comes in, it is best to stand safely to the side and answer the phone, or let it ring and call later. In addition to avoiding distractions, you will save a fine of 200 euros. The same amount must be paid by those who drive an electric scooter at night without lighting or without using reflective clothing or in the wrong way.

Of all the infractions there are three that are the most common, and that have to do with the fact that the electric scooter is not seen as just another vehicle. The first is to drive on the sidewalk, even going so far as to think that where you can’t drive is on the road. The second is to wear headphones, either to listen to music or to talk hands-free. And the last one is to take a companion on the scooter, which entails a 100-euro fine. So every user must overcome the temptation to bring a friend.

Like other VMPs, electric scooters do not require mandatory insurance. Unless it is used through a rental or tourist company because in this case its use implies an economic activity. But the fact that there is no obligation does not mean that it is not advisable to take out personal mobility insurance. Proof of this is that the Road Safety Prosecutor’s Office and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and several town halls have called on the DGT to establish compulsory insurance for VMPs.

There are more and more vehicles of this type, and it is common to fall into some bad practices and whoever uses them and other people who come into contact with them, especially in large cities, are at risk of accidents. In this sense, Occident, the new brand that unifies the Grupo Catalana Occidente companies, has insurance for personal mobility that will cover the civil liability of the driver for damages to third parties and, in turn, damages to the scooter. For some experts in the field, driving on public roads is a risky activity and insurance would guarantee that all liabilities arising from any accident would be covered.

In addition, having insurance also helps to reduce the helplessness that you may feel in an accident. Something that will help reassure all parties involved in the event of damage and injury and that will be covered by taking out electric scooter insurance such as Occident’s.