Reading is a hobby for which good eyesight is essential. For this reason, taking care of the health of our eyes must be a priority if we want to enjoy the pleasure of reading throughout our lives. Dr. Nuno Moura, an ophthalmologist specializing in cornea, cataracts and refractive surgery at the IMO Grupo Miranza clinic, tells us about this.

Farsightedness is probably the refractive defect that most affects the habit of reading, since it is characterized by poor near vision. In this sense, according to Dr. Moura: “It is estimated that it affects approximately 10% of the population and there is an important hereditary component in its appearance, since if the parents suffer from it it is more likely than the children as well” .

In addition, with age, especially from the age of 45, farsightedness is usually aggravated by tired eyesight or presbyopia, since near vision is affected in both conditions. However, “we must not confuse them because they arise from different causes. While farsightedness is due to the fact that the eyeball is shorter than normal, presbyopia arises from the aging of a natural lens called the crystalline lens, which allows us to focus correctly”, explains the ophthalmologist.

In cases in which the person who suffers from farsightedness or tired eyesight, as well as other refractive problems such as myopia or astigmatism, wants to stop doing without glasses, there are a multitude of techniques that the ophthalmologist individualizes, depending on the lifestyle of the patient, as well as other characteristics, such as the anatomy of the eye itself or the diopters.

To do this, “we have advanced refractive surgery techniques that offer us very good visual quality after the operation, such as laser refractive surgery or the implantation of intraocular lenses. With regard to the latter, we generally use the so-called Premium because, in addition, the incision to implant them is minimal (about 2 mm) and this makes them safer, reducing the possibility of complications”, points out Dr. Moura.

Another point that we must not lose sight of is that when we read, we reduce the blinking frequency, especially if we do so using the screen of electronic books, as well as tablets or phones, and this can cause dry eye conditions or aggravate eye disease. dry eye, in the event that we already suffer from it.

As the expert clarifies: “This usually occurs together with Computer Visual Syndrome (SVI), which results from the overuse of these devices and whose main symptoms are dry eyes, focus problems or eye fatigue.”

To prevent it from appearing, the ophthalmologist advises adjusting the contrast of the screen: generally, white wallpapers with dark letters tend to offer greater visual comfort and better with low brightness. Likewise, the lighting of the space has an influence, since, with little light, we must strain our eyes more, favoring visual fatigue.

Finally, Dr. Moura advises following the “20-20-20 rule” when using screens: “Every 20 minutes, we should focus our eyes away from the screen for 20 seconds at a distance of 20 steps, which is about six meters ”. However, the ophthalmologist warns that dry eye goes far beyond a picture of dry eyes. It is an increasingly frequent disease, which is due to multiple factors and which is estimated to currently affect 30% of the population.

For this reason, “we must not minimize its symptoms, since, if they worsen, in some cases, other parts of the eye may be affected. In the event of any discomfort, my recommendation is to go to the ophthalmologist for an examination and a dry eye study, if he deems it necessary ”, concludes Dr. Moura.