The president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, has considered this Wednesday that the legislature that is about to begin will be “on the edge of the knife” due to a “diabolical” result and has regretted that the government “depends on a fugitive from justice”.

In an interview in Castilla-La Mancha Media, García-Page lamented that the future of the country and its governance may depend “on a fugitive from justice, on someone who can decide on the State, but who does not renounce to put an end to the State”. “It’s sad,” she added.

Although he says he does not know what is going through Pedro Sánchez’s head, he has pointed out that the PP “has married Vox much more than Feijóo wanted”, something that in the end has made Vox become “a black beast in Spanish politics and a perfect alibi to try to whitewash other types of extremism”.

García-Page, who claims to “hate all extremes”, defends “common sense” as “the most reasonable thing” before a legislature that “without a doubt, if it opens up, if there is an investiture”, will be the “most vertiginous and roller coaster” of which he has lived.

Faced with “many unknowns”, he assures that he does not know what will be the approaches on which an agreement can be reached with the independentistas of Junts since the right “does not add up”.

However, he believes that “the logic that there will not be a second election will prevail”, but in Spain “the people have spoken” and even so they do not dare to “label” the result of the general elections. “It gives the impression that no one has won.” “Sovereignty has been expressed but the message is not clear. The citizen does not fully understand what is being said,” she pointed out.

Regarding the negotiations to form the Board of the Congress of Deputies, he hopes that it will be “a reflection of the majority and the plurality” of Parliament, but the Presidency should not be symbolic, since it is “the third authority of the State”.

After regretting the resignation of Meritxell Batet to revalidate the Presidency, he assures that the PSOE must already have an alternative candidate, “as the PP will have on its side”. “That the president is the third authority of the State implies defending the State, not questioning it. I understand that whoever wants to question it is not in a position to be the third authority”, he has settled.

Regarding regional financing, Page has demanded a new model that is negotiated at a common table of all the communities, except for the exceptions established by the Constitution, in which Catalonia feels like the rest, without there being bilateral negotiations, because if not If so, it would be entering into a constitutional conflict.

García-Page has pointed out that Castilla-La Mancha is underfinanced with the current model, in which there are three communities that have had the “greatest setback from a financial point of view”: in addition to Castilla-La Mancha, Valencia and Murcia, but ” not Catalonia”, has specified.

Therefore, it has said that, except for the constitutional exceptions that are already established for the Basque Country and Navarra, the other autonomies have to respond to a common table and Catalonia has to sit at the same table as the rest of the autonomous communities, as This is how it has been since there was a Constitution, because “different tables mean that what some take is at the expense of others.” “The negotiation has to be multilateral, and if it is not, obviously we would be in a constitutional conflict from the outset,” she warned.