The Hospital Doctor Peset de València has agreed on the “temporary measure” of the mandatory use of masks in some services such as Emergencies, Oncology, ICU or Resuscitation due to the increase in admissions due to covid and the number of workers who have tested positive for this virus.

The management of the hospital center has adopted this decision after receiving a report from the Preventive Medicine and Occupational Risk services and, as reported to EFE by the Ministry of Health, it is a “specific” and “provisional” measure.

Sources from the hospital center have told EFE that these services have verified an increase in admissions due to covid and also in the number of workers who have tested positive, even if they do not show symptoms, and for this reason they have made these recommendations to management.

For its part, the center’s management has decided that the use of a mask is mandatory in some “very vulnerable” services such as the Emergency Department, Oncology, ICU or resuscitation, and that its use is “highly recommended” in the rest of the hospital areas. .

The sources of the hospital center have insisted that it is a “temporary” measure and, once the situation is normalized, it will return to the general recommendation given by the Ministry of Health after the end of the pandemic to advise the use of the mask in hospitals due to risk or in highly vulnerable patients, but not mandatory.

From the Ministry of Health they have explained that it is an action that is part of the recommendations contained in Order SND/726/2023, of July 4, which published the agreement of the Council of Ministers declaring the end of the health crisis situation.

This order alludes to the possible specific need to reinforce protection measures, following in any case the infection control recommendations advised by the Preventive Medicine and Occupational Risk Prevention Services according to the risk assessment of each center.

The agreement of the Council of Ministers declared the end of the health crisis situation caused by covid-19 and, although it decreed the cessation of the mandatory mask in hospital centers, it did recommend reinforcing the use of protection for symptomatic people when they are in shared spaces .

This text also refers to professionals who care for symptomatic cases and to those people who work in intensive care units and in units with vulnerable patients, as well as in hospital emergencies.