The PP will present Cuca Gamarra to preside over Congress, a position for which he will compete with the socialist candidate, Francina Armengol, although neither of them counts, 18 hours before the General Courts are constituted, with sufficient support to be elected.

The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, announced the candidacy of Gamarra during a meeting with all the deputies and senators obtained by the popular in the elections of July 23, in which he also announced who will preside over the Senate, Pedro Rollán, whose election is guaranteed, since the PP has an absolute majority in the Upper House.

The other members of the Congress Bureau will be Marta González, José Antonio Bermúdez de Castro and Guillermo Mariscal, as well as Carmen Navarro. For the Senate, Feijóo proposes, in addition to Rollán, Javier Maroto, Eva Ortíz and Mari Mar Blanco.

Feijóo acknowledged before his deputies and senators that there is a “real blockade risk”, as there is also a “risk of having a government that is weaker and more divided than the previous legislature” and a risk that derives from the need to have a government that he demands to have the support of some parties whose objective is to “weaken the country or break it.”

The president of the PP seems, with this message, that he has assumed that he will not be able to form a government, but despite this, he assured that if the King entrusts him with it, he will accept the challenge, and that he is working, as he has done since the elections, to conform a majority that allows the formation of a stable government, “a government that governs, and not that resists” and that is capable of achieving “broad agreements”, “state pacts”.

Feijóo responded during his speech to Pedro Sánchez who spoke of alleged pressure on the King, and of creating problems for him. He rejects that he or the PP is doing that, and for this reason he stresses that “he will have the pressure and the problems (by Pedro Sánchez”, not Felipe VI, who is sure that he will act “in accordance with the law, exercising his powers and acting only at the service of Spain”.

The thesis of the popular leader continues to be that he already has the support of 171 or 172 deputies, depending on what the Canary Coalition does in the end, while the PSOE, for now, has the guaranteed vote of Sumar and Bildu, because neither ERC, neither PNV nor Junts have given him their support.

Feijóo’s opinion is that “Spain does not deserve the political situation that the PSOE and 24 other parties have created”, which are what are needed for Sánchez to be president, while he proposes a government that is the result of dialogue with constitutionalist parties, which give stability to Spain and stop what has happened in recent years: repetition of elections, a vote of no confidence that goes ahead, the inclusion of the extreme left in the Government, and the parliamentary support of the independentistas.

The president of the PP presents himself as a “guarantee of stability” and that the blocks will end “and in favor of the governability of Spain.” However, he insists that there is a risk of blockade if he is not president, and contemplates the possibility that elections will have to be repeated.