Members of the Hellín Civil Guard have investigated a minor, a resident of the same town, as the alleged perpetrator of a crime against freedom, after creating a false profile of the victim on a well-known social network in which accompanied photomontages appeared. of phrases with sexual content.

At the beginning of this month of August, the Hellín Civil Guard collected the complaint made by a minor, accompanied by her parents, after observing how several of her photographs appeared on a well-known social network as photomontages, that is, with her face. real, but with the naked body of another woman. The author of the events accompanied the photomontages with phrases that incited sex, the Civil Guard reported in a press release.

With the data contained in the complaint, the Benemérita began the investigations by following the trail of the manipulated image to try to find out the identity of the perpetrator of the events and prevent their spread over the Internet and social networks.

After exploring the social network where the publications were inserted, it was possible to find out that it was a false profile, linked in turn to other profiles, including that of the person who was finally investigated.

The author of the facts that the Civil Guard was investigating, also a minor, stated in police stations that he did not want to cause any harm to the victim, only pretending that it was something humorous.

Parents should prevent minors from finding inappropriate content on the Internet and help them find quality content according to their age.

One of the most effective methods is to install one of the numerous parental control apps that exist in ANDROID and IOS stores, both on the minor’s mobile and on the father’s, mother’s or guardian’s mobile.

The main function* of these apps is to restrict the use or installation of applications, block inappropriate content, impose usage time limits and even geolocate the minor.

With the publication of Organic Law 10/2022 on the comprehensive guarantee of sexual freedom, a new paragraph has been added to article 172 ter of the current Criminal Code in which said behavior “will be punished with imprisonment from three months to one year or a fine of six to twelve months” to whoever “uses the image of a person to make announcements or open false profiles on social networks, contact pages or any means of public dissemination.”

The proceedings conducted by the Civil Guard have been made available to the Albacete Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office, leaving the investigated minor in the custody of his parents.