With the imminent arrival of the return to school, many families have to restructure their routine and their organization to fit back into the school schedule. Taking children to school and picking them up from classes, as well as taking them to their after-school activities, often complicates the logistics and reconciliation of family and work life.

Therefore, a common question in parents and guardians is wondering when children are ready to go to school alone. This moment not only clears the agenda of whoever used to take them or accompany them, but also brings benefits to the little ones, such as promoting their independence and autonomy, as well as their maturity, responsibility, security and self-confidence.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), age 10 is the age when children can begin to apply all the skills necessary to navigate traffic safely on their own. However, the agency points out that each child is different and “it is important to consider their level of development and individual maturity when deciding if it is safe for them to walk to school without an adult.”

Factors such as the maturity of the minor, if they have a disability or if they live in a city where traffic is more hectic than in a small town must be taken into account, as all this will influence when they are ready to go to school alone , either on foot or by bicycle. In this regard, the AAP includes a series of recommendations for preadolescents and adolescents to walk to school safely.