The Manuel Becerra tunnel will reopen to traffic this Friday, after completing the repair and conditioning works carried out on the structure, which have consisted of the construction of a new gas pipeline on the outside to replace the one on the inside, as well as the reconstruction of the deck at various points and the repair of the entrance and exit porticos.

Specifically, the reopening will take place at dawn from August 31 to September 1 and will be carried out in a coordinated and simultaneous manner with that of the Francisco Silvela tunnel, which also remained closed, in this case due to work carried out by Metro of Madrid, the Madrid City Council has reported in a statement.

On the surface there will be three small partial occupations of one of the side lanes that will end next week before the start of the school year.

The works carried out in the Works and Equipment area began on June 3, after detecting structural deterioration in several service shelters that house gas pipes, as well as in the portals of the tunnel entrance and exit.

The intervention has managed to guarantee the safety of the structure to avoid risks to the users.

The works have included the construction of a new gas pipe on the outside to replace the one inside the tunnel, the removal of the gas pipes that ran through the tunnel once they have been left without service, the demolition of the existing blankets , the reconstruction of the deck at these points and the repair of the porticos.

Likewise, the Works and Equipment area has taken advantage of the intervention to improve energy savings in tunnel lighting, and has replaced the lighting installation with a LED type.

Due to the magnitude of the action and the significant reduction in roads that it entailed, the repair has been carried out during the summer season with the aim of causing the least impact to road traffic.