Catalonia is a land that offers a great diversity of landscapes and is rich in nuances. For this reason, La Vanguardia has once again challenged its readers in the second edition of the Les 7 Meravelles de Catalunya photographic contest, sponsored by Reale Seguros and Naturgy. After several weeks receiving photographs, we already know the 7 winners of the different categories.

The contest began on July 23 and during this time we have seen very special corners for the participants. Monuments that were repeated, like the unmistakable Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. And towns that seem to have a special charm, like Cadaqués. In addition, thousands of authors have shared their images of the native Catalan fauna, its gastronomy and traditions.

La Vanguardia has chosen the photographs that best portray the following categories of Les 7 Meravelles de Catalunya: Eco, History, Nature, Gastronomy, Urban, Monument and Urban. Each one has been interpreted by the participants, who have shared their creative compositions by email, direct message on Instagram or using the hashtag

Among thousands of photographs received that show some jewels from Catalonia, 25 were shortlisted as finalists. A professional jury from La Vanguardia, made up of journalists and photographers, has been the one that has selected which photographs deserved to be Les 7 Meravelles de Catalunya. A job that has not been easy given the quality and diversity of the photographs received.

In addition, as in 2022, this year the vote for ‘The most popular photo’ has been voted for again. Users have been able to vote for their favorite photo among 25 images. Among all the candidates, the photograph with the most votes was ‘La Pasífae de Vilanova i la Geltrú’ by Luis Ayora.