An advertised property is visited a total of 14 times before finalizing the sale with a committed buyer. This has been encrypted by the comprehensive home platform Housfy, whose real estate experts have shared some ways to influence the interest of potential buyers to optimize the number of visits and make them more qualitative.

The interest of the visitors is not always the same. Some have spent weeks visiting innumerable homes for sale, undecided before an offer that does not convince them; Others see an advertisement and are almost determined, they just want to see first-hand that their conception of the property based on the advertisement corresponds to reality.

Some tricks to sell an apartment and attract interested parties with a high level of commitment would be to set a sale price in line with the market, work exclusively with the same agency and make a complete advertisement with professional and quality photographs.

Whether selling or renting, many homeowners think up. Housfy has calculated that owners usually put their properties up for sale for a price 7% higher than the market value of the home. And then, if it doesn’t work, they rectify their standards.

To publish a sale ad on a real estate portal, you have to know the dynamics of these websites. Housfy sources warn that setting a fair price will often cause the ad to receive greater interest from the first moment and will have better positioning in search engines. That will catapult the sale to success.

Otherwise, the ad will not generate interest, you will lose positions and the sales process will drag on for months. Even if the price is later changed to adjust it to what the demand is willing to pay, it will be more difficult for the ad to generate the same interest that it could have at the time of publication.

One could think the opposite: giving up a home for sale to several real estate agents would mean having more projection opportunities. Nothing is further from the truth: Housfy agents admit that working with many real estate agents is not efficient.

On the one hand, when the buyer sees a property published several times, he is suspicious and may conceive that it is inflated in price or that it hides some flaw.

On the other, working without exclusive means that agencies do not invest so much time and money in the sale of the home; Let’s say, in a photographer who does a good report or in boosting the positioning in the portals of homes for sale.

Online real estate platforms stand out among other traditional agencies for offering more adjusted prices than the competition. Housfy’s comprehensive sales plan, namely, has competitive prices: to sell a €140,000 apartment with 6 months of exclusivity, for example, a client would pay €4,990, while in a traditional real estate agency that charges 5% on the sale price the commission would amount to about €7,000.

But Housfy also offers a basic plan, even tighter, in which the seller takes the lead and carries out the visits. The final price would be €3,490, for the same floor as the previous example. It is intended for those who want to save money on fees and have time to dedicate to the operation.

In this case, of course, the more availability the owner has to show his home, the more opportunities he will have to sell it. Small actions that positively influence the first impression of the interested parties will also be valued: ordering the rooms, depersonalizing the space and airing the property before receiving them.