The energy demand of our times is breaking all consumption records, which is why the role of renewable energies makes more sense than ever. The aim is to make this very basic need as ecological and sustainable as possible. Its implementation is progressively taking place among society, but still with the awareness that there is a long way to go so that this type of consumption has an increasingly smaller impact on the environment.

Companies, those large energy consumers around the world, have a lot to say about energy demand. Reason why those responsible must know what options exist and how to transform demand into a sustainable solution in line with new times that encourage self-consumption.

With the desire that the development of this clean energy reaches consumers and satisfies the greatest number of customers possible, the European Union has launched, through its European funds, a subsidy line so that citizens of member countries can access financial aid to adapt their homes and companies to green energy.

And so that this aid can reach its recipients comfortably, La Vanguardia and Bankinter are organizing an information event on September 20 entitled: “Renewable energies and European funds: keys to taking advantage of the moment.” It will be held in Shed 1 of the Port of Tarragona, starting at 9:45 a.m. Those business managers who wish to attend, either on site or via streaming, will need prior registration in the following form.

The event will have the collaboration of the Hydrogen Valley of Catalonia, a strategic country initiative that works to consolidate an integrated ecosystem around the hydrogen value chain, a vital energy vector to achieve the objective of climate neutrality, the increase of business competitiveness and improving people’s well-being. As well as FI Group, a company specialized in advising companies in the field of public financing and tax incentives for R&D activities, technological innovation, environmental protection, energy efficiency and industrial projects or investments. .