The latest interventions carried out in the Iberian town of Turó Gros de Céllecs have provided new information about the different phases of occupation of the settlement and have revealed the existence of an older phase of which there was no evidence. Once the excavations are completed, adaptation and consolidation tasks are being carried out on both the structures discovered by the recent interventions and those excavated previously.

In addition to the new enclosures that detail the layout of the town, during the tasks it has been possible to recover various ceramic materials – which help specialists to delimit the chronological framework – as well as some bronze objects, of indeterminate shape and which will need to be restored to try to identify.

The Iberian town of Turó Gros de Céllecs is located in the municipality of Òrrius, in the Maresme, within the Parc de la Serralada Litoral. Thanks to its privileged location, it dominated the entire region, from Mataró to Barcelona, ??along the coast, and the entire Vallès plain, along the western side of the hill.

The town shows two main phases of occupation, the first between the 5th and 4th centuries BC, and the second between the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC. The construction remains that can be seen throughout the hill belong to this last phase. Later it also had a small phase of the Republican Roman period (II-I BC).

This campaign has been able to be carried out thanks to the subsidy from the Patrimoni Area of ??the Generalitat, the Parc de la Serralada Litoral and the Òrrius City Council. The Layetania Archeology and Heritage Association (LAiPat) has coordinated and organized the tasks carried out. This year, we have had the collaboration of a group of professional archaeologists, as well as archeology students from various Catalan and national universities.