“In one minute, when we became aware of the case, we acted in a lightning-fast manner.” This is how the president, Carlos Mazón, defended this morning the decision, adopted yesterday afternoon, to dismiss the Undersecretary of Justice, Luis Manuel Martín Domínguez, from Vox, after learning that he was convicted of gender violence in 2011. The Minister of Justice, Elisa Núñez, also from Vox, indicated yesterday that she learned of the sentence in the morning, and that she subsequently asked the president to dismiss the high position that was carried out in the afternoon in an urgent meeting of the Consell.

“It was a lightning-fast, clear, transparent decision, I don’t know if everyone can say the same; as soon as the minister certified the concealment, this deception, action was taken so that there were no doubts about the position of this government,” added the president. . He has pointed out that “when someone deceives you, hides you, the message is very clear, if someone believes in society that they can hide things they know what their end is.” But he has also appreciated that “what we do not tolerate is that others want to give us lessons; not a single step back with this issue compared to the steps backwards of others, some have not condemned the reduction of sentences of the law of only yes it means yes “I will not tolerate assertions.”

“I don’t know if everyone can say the same for cases that we have seen in the last legislature,” Mazón assured journalists, who pointed out that the previous Valencian government, “which seems to be giving lessons now, ended the legislature with 12 or 13 accused of allegedly covering up the abuse of a minor.

The dismissal of this senior position has been approved just under two months after his appointment at the end of July. Another representative of Vox, the one who was a candidate for the Generalitat and later head of the Congress list for Valencia, Carlos Flores, was also convicted in 2002 of psychological violence towards his ex-partner. Flores renounced his status as regional deputy after March 28 in the negotiation of the government pact with the PP.

The SER has had access to the conformity sentence handed down by the judge in October 2011 after a quick trial was held. In the sentence, Martín Domínguez is sentenced to 11 months of estrangement and no contact with the victim, his wife, for a crime of “abuse in the family environment.” Specifically, for punching him in the shoulder and threatening him with a knife in front of his son, as the victim reported in her statement to the Civil Guard agents who initiated the investigation. It happened in Aljaraque, the town of Huelva where he lived.

Valencian politicians from PSPV and Compromís have described the situation of the Valencian Government as “shameful” after the dismissal of the undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice, Luis Manuel Martín Domínguez (Vox). Different representatives of both groups have regretted, via social networks, that “again a person convicted of gender violence is a burden” to the Valencian Community, they have considered that this situation “is no longer normal”, for which they have demanded “explanations” from the PP – Vox’s government partner in the Generalitat – and have wondered if the Consell’s “quarry” are “the doors of the court.”

From the PSPV, its general secretary and ‘former president’ of the Generalitat Ximo Puig, in his profile on the social network that “this is no longer normal” and has called the situation “shameful.”

The Government delegate in the Valencian Community, the socialist Pilar Bernabé, has regretted that “again a person convicted of gender violence is weighing down our Community”, has stressed that “an explanation of the PP” is urgently needed and has asked “in whose hands “we are”, “how does this person get to the government”, if “no one reviews the impositions of –Santiago– Abascal” and if “that’s all or there will be more.”

The trustee of the PSPV in Les Corts, Rebeca Torró, in statements sent to the media, has warned that the ‘president’ of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón (PP), “has no idea who he places in his government”, He has criticized their “lack of control” and has warned that “the most dangerous thing is that they place abusers of women at the head of public management.”

In this context, he has criticized the “lack of transparency” of the Valencian Government and has demanded to know “all the details of this matter, after they have refused to give more information.” We suspect that there is something else that is being hidden behind this dismissal,” he considered.