The extraordinary plenary session of the Badalona City Council (Barcelonès Nord) this Monday approved the modification of the municipal budget and its investment annex to allocate 2.38 million euros for the replacement and renovation of air conditioning equipment located in different administrative buildings, cultural, sports and school of the city.

The City Council has carried out a diagnosis of the state of 83 municipal buildings, such as schools, sports facilities, municipal and cultural service centers, to know the current state of the air conditioning installations. Based on this data, the investments for the start-up or repair of the equipment have been assessed, as well as ensuring the necessary maintenance and guaranteeing proper functioning of the machinery over time. The opinion was approved unanimously.

The specific actions in administrative buildings contemplate the replacement of the air conditioning equipment of the building known as Banco Central, the Casa de la Vila, the El Viver building and also the replacement and renovation of the low voltage installation of the buildings of the Urban Guard. The estimated expenditure to be supplemented in the currently existing item, to draft the projects and execute the works, as well as their management, is 800,000 euros.

As for the cultural buildings, the zinc roof of the Can Casacuberta library and Espai Betúlia will be repaired. The amount of 100,000 euros needs to be allocated to address the modification of the approved project, since once the work has started, hidden defects have appeared under the existing roof that must be incorporated into the project in order to resolve the current leaks.

In the city’s libraries, the adaptation to low voltage regulations will be carried out (except Can Casacuberta). In Can Casacuberta the fan coils (emitters used to heat or cool the environment in air conditioning systems) will be replaced. The estimated expenditure to be supplemented to the currently existing item to execute the works, as well as their management, is 200,000 euros.

Regarding educational centers, works will be carried out to improve the water distribution facilities for human consumption and air conditioning systems of the Escola Gitanjali, an approved project pending availability of credit to be able to bid on it. Currently the school does not have hot and cold water in the building; only a few minimal and provisional supply points with a pipeline executed directly from another building, which allows the basic hygiene needs of students and teachers to be met, given that the existing facility is closed due to legionella and the entire building installation needs to be renovated. The estimated expenditure to be supplemented to the currently existing item to execute the works is 280,000 euros.

In the sports facilities, works will be carried out to adapt the technical facilities of the municipal swimming pool and their technical management. The executive project has been drafted, currently in the review phase to take it to municipal approval and subsequently bid on the works. The estimated expenditure to be supplemented to the currently existing item to execute the works and their technical management is 1,100,000 euros. Total: 2,380,000 euros.

In addition to the investment approved in the extraordinary plenary session, the Badalona City Council already has an allocation of 700,000 euros for administrative buildings that the municipal government will allocate to air conditioning projects and works for district offices and other municipal facilities. In this way, the investment in improving and renewing the air conditioning of municipal buildings is 3,080,000 euros.

During the plenary session, the mayor of Badalona, ??Xavier Garcia Albiol, highlighted that “our Government found the City Council in an extreme situation, which is why it is essential for us to carry out proposals like today’s, which allows us to respond to the critical situation. that citizens and workers must endure in some of the municipal buildings.”