Together at the door of the Valencian Parliament, but keeping their distance and holding different banners. This is how the parliamentary groups have condemned the two sexist murders in recent days in the Valencian Community (a 76-year-old woman in Orihuela and another, 51, in Castellón). Vox has stood behind the official banner for the first time after an agreement with the PP at the Les Corts Valencianes Table to change the motto that until now presided over the calls – “Les Corts contra la violence masclista” – and which did not The far right liked it and stepped aside.

With the new letter -No to violence against women, the two co-official languages- the two partners have kept three minutes of silence in a rally that has been moved forward one hour so that the president of Parliament can attend the opening of the Fair Habitat.

Those who have not stood behind have been the parliamentarians from PSPV and Compromís who have decided to show their disagreement with the deletion of the ‘sexist’ label and have held up a new banner with the same motto that the Valencian Parliament had used until now. Both parties have criticized the PP for “submitting” to Vox’s speech while highlighting the importance of calling a spade a spade.

The deputy and former president of the Generalitat, Ximo Puig, has demanded that it be “well conceptualized to find the appropriate policies”, while highlighting that women are attacked for the simple fact of being women. Along these lines, he has indicated that there cannot be “any type of condescension against denialism, because denialism also kills” and has demanded a call for the Valencian pact against gender violence.

The Ombudsman of Compromís, Joan Baldoví, has reiterated that we must call things by their name and that “wanting to hide a problem by changing its name is a way of playing the ostrich, of bowing our heads.”

The response has come from the PP spokesperson, Miguel Barrachina, who has accused the opposition of “getting tangled up in the banners”; of “usurping the official name of Les Corts” to make their own banner; and not respecting “the only legal agreement” that exists in Parliament on how to hold the concentrations. “Democracy must be respected,” Barrachina has disfigured the deputies of the left-wing parties.

Vox has preferred not to make statements on the matter.