The Mas Pellicer cadet team, from Reus (Baix Camp), played on Sunday against CF Vila-seca. The match, friendly and intense, closely contested, ended 1-0. The scorer of the goal, a 15-year-old teenager, after showering and having a drink at the field bar, left with his scooter to return home. A few meters from the field, a man was waiting for him in a car.

The alleged attacker, 38 years old, got out of his vehicle and attacked the boy. According to the complaint filed with the Mossos d’Esquadra based on the victim’s story and along with an injury report, the man pushed the minor against a fence and grabbed him by the neck, reproaching him for his attitude during the encounter. “He told me if he was a pimp, he threw my scooter, slammed me against the fence and grabbed me by the neck with his hand, squeezing. I was screaming but I was alone,” explains the victim along with his mother to La Vanguardia.

The youngest, from Reus, is black. His mother is originally from the Dominican Republic. Both she and her son believe that being black had something to do with the attack. “It’s a racial issue, whoever waited for my son to hit him also knew that he was alone,” laments the mother.

The minor left a little later than his teammates after the game because he stayed in the bar on the Mas Pellicer field having a drink, invited by the coach. It was an award for the winning goal.

“We wanted to report the facts so that something like this does not happen again to my son or any other boy, and that this man pays for what he did. “He hit a child who was alone and could not defend himself.” The boy went to a health center and presented an injury report to the Mossos: he suffers from a contracture in his back. “I’m afraid, I don’t want to meet him again. In two weeks we play against Vila-seca in the league,” says the youngest. “On the field he had already insulted me with other parents from the Vila-seca team,” he says.

A woman heard the screams and witnessed part of what happened. The victim was able to react and photographed the alleged attacker’s vehicle before she fled. In one image she can be seen with her hand raised and screaming in front of her son and her partner.