The People’s Party has set out to make it as difficult as possible for the acting Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, to negotiate with the pro-independence parties for his foreseeable inauguration, after the failed attempt by its leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo. This is the strategy of the PP and it will not even wait for the King, who today begins a second round of consultations with the representatives of the parties, to appoint a new candidate to start this pressure that will make it difficult or at least hinder the leader of the PSOE to give in to the demands of Junts and ERC, whose votes are essential. On Monday, the PP plans to register in the Senate, where it has an absolute majority, a motion for its debate in the next plenary on the amnesty demanded of Sánchez by its possible partners, after which the Upper House will vote against the eventual law criminal oblivion to the people affected by breaks resulting from the process, even before the foreseeable investiture. The text of the motion shows the Senate’s opposition to any “political negotiation”, aimed at “obtaining parliamentary support for the investiture as president of the government that includes, as a counterpart, the granting of an amnesty, express or veiled, or any kind of pardon or judicial benefit, which in one way or another seeks to favor the people accused of the illegal process of secession perpetrated in Catalonia”.

Likewise, the motion expresses the need to recover the crime of sedition “by improving and updating its typification to punish the most serious forms of constitutional disloyalty, as well as also regulate other disloyal acts committed by public officials, aimed at endangering the peace and the constitutional order, as is the case with the calling of referendums or unauthorized consultations, or initiatives of any kind that seek to undermine Spain’s credit in the international community”, as well as returning to the penalties for embezzlement that it existed before the last reform of the Penal Code. The text declares in relation to the amnesty that “a demand of this nature – that is, proceed to dynamit the Rule of Law as a preliminary step or nuclear element of a negotiation – would be immediately discarded, as an unacceptable condition to form a government, for any democratic political party”.

Precisely, the general coordinator of the PP, Elías Bendodo, who was in Oviedo yesterday, asked Sánchez to “clarify” to “all Spaniards” what the “technical details” are about the amnesty “he is negotiating” with the pro-independence and “how will a self-determination referendum fit into the Constitution.” How far are you willing to sell the dignity of Spain as a whole to continue sitting in the Moncloa chair? If he wants to be credible, let him commit in writing that he will not accept the amnesty and the referendum”, said Bendodo in statements to journalists.