Has living in space for more than six months changed your life?

I would say that it has completely transformed me.

What do you think has changed you the most?

Look at this photo. I did it from the International Space Station with my cell phone.

Superb! What are these lights?

What they are not They are not a democracy. That streak of darkness in my photo is North Korea. And the bright area below is South Korea: where do you want to live: in the light or in the dark?

What else have you seen?

The red lights of the Russian missiles when they launched the first invasion of Ukraine: we saw the death from space. And it is so absurd, in the immensity, to see humans killing each other… I am a Christian…

Did the space change that for you?

He didn’t change it. I am still a Christian, but more open and moderate than before and it disgusts me even more that there are humans killing themselves because of a religion or because of the vanity of those who lead them in it: from above you can see very well the destructive ego.

Isn’t the universe a desert?

Up there you can see the ego of Elon Musk and his satellites… How much ego!

Not only Musk: Bezos also played with his rockets: would he privatize space?

It’s outrageous, but that’s exactly what’s happening. The ego of a few billionaires fills everyone’s space with garbage and this is a danger to humanity.

Who should regulate it?

We need planetary agreements to curb this danger and other very serious ones. Because the Rockefellers and Rothschilds controlled trains, steel, ships, automobiles…, but Zuckerberg and the other technopowers will control our brain: they already control it with mobile phones.

In his orbits he saw climate change?

What I see is that climate change has winners and losers. Check out this other photo I took yesterday in Gdansk…

Do they look like… Polish vines?

They are beautiful vines that already produce excellent wine. Climate change is not a catastrophe for all of humanity: it has winners and losers, and in Poland I was shown graphs of deaths from freezing…and they hardly have any anymore.

On the other hand, in Spain we see an increase in deaths due to heat stroke.

I already told him that climate change has winners…and losers.

Doesn’t it ruin everyone’s planet?

But climate hysteria and alarmism make us all losers and it is counterproductive. The other day a child told me that he didn’t want to be an astronaut so as not to damage the ozone layer.

You are a colonel in the US Air Force: will we see another galaxy war?

I am against Musk privatizing space, but also against cooperating in space exploration with Putin’s Russia or dictatorial China. Now, what worries me the most is artificial intelligence.

Robot soldiers? Killer drones?

In Vietnam we already had robot soldiers. Missiles are robots that kill while the person guiding them is sitting watching a screen… But he decides! A human decides where that missile goes and when!

So what worries him?

That industry and the military now consider the possibility that it is the robot that decides…

I don’t know if I understand it.

Oh my god! I have heard generals say that artificial intelligence, or a robot, can decide more judiciously and without being swayed by emotions when it is tactically appropriate to use a weapon against humans…

I hope I don’t see it.

We urgently need a treaty that universally prohibits a weapon from deciding to fire on humans on its own!

Does space give the US an advantage?

We saw from space how Putin was preparing the invasion of Ukraine and he knows that we would also see it if one day he prepares nuclear war.

What did he learn about his body in 200 days of weightlessness and in orbit?

That he was fat! It’s very hard for me to lose a few kilos.

How does an astronaut lose weight in orbit? Doesn’t the onboard diet help?

There is only one way to lose weight: eat less. That’s why I tempted the cosmonaut and colleague at the station, Samantha Cristoforetti, to eat part of my rations, because I could only fit the XL suit and they forced me to go down to L.

You are very naughty.

It wasn’t easy: Samantha has an iron will.