The residents of Montecarmelo and Vicálvaro demonstrated yesterday Sunday against the cleaning cantons, with the aim of demanding that the Madrid City Council relocate these facilities to areas far from homes and educational centers.

Pedro Hernán, member of the platform No to the canton of Vicálvaro, highlighted that “we cannot be citizens governed by a City Council that does not listen to us.”

Hernán demanded the stoppage of the works of the new 1,300 square meter canton in the Vicálvaro Forest Park when less than a kilometer away the Madrid City Council has a plot of 6,000 square meters in the Vicálvaro Industrial Estate reserved for that purpose.

The platform has transferred the facts to the Environmental Prosecutor’s Office of the Community of Madrid in order to investigate the existence of a possible environmental crime.

The spokesperson for the Platform No to the Canton of Montecarmelo, Rafael Llanes, demanded that the Madrid City Council relocate these facilities to an area far from homes and educational centers.

The Platform No to the Canton of Montecarmelo, which brings together more than 58 urbanizations, 4,700 homes, 16,100 neighbors, educational institutions and merchants in the area, opposes the location of a cleaning canton on a plot located between the municipal cemetery of Fuencarral and the German School.

For this reason, they have started a campaign to collect signatures to paralyze the implementation of the canton and look for a location by mutual agreement with the City Council, which does not affect the coexistence of the neighbors, which has gathered more than 6,000 signatures in less than a week. .

In both cases, the residents are aware of “the need to have public infrastructure that provides these services”, but they reject the locations set by the City Council in the heart of residential areas.

The socialist spokesperson in the Madrid City Council, Reyes Maroto, attended the demonstration promoted by the residents of Montecarmelo, while the PSOE councilor in the Madrid City Council Emilia Martínez Garrido participated in the Vicálvaro protest.

Maroto has asked the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, and the delegate of Urban Planning, Environment and Mobility, Borja Carabante, that “any space that is used for recycling or garbage, always be done hand in hand with the neighbors.”

“Mr. Almeida’s mandate is off to a bad start, imposing his absolute majority like a roller and failing to talk to the residents of this city, such as those affected by the cleaning cantons of Montercamelo and Vicálvaro,” stressed the socialist spokesperson.

The socialist spokesperson has accused the councilor and the Environment delegate of “cheating”, “lying” and “seeking confrontation” with the neighbors, who only want to improve the quality of life in the city.

After remembering that his group raised the problems of these facilities in the municipal plenary session, Maroto has spoken out against the locations that have been chosen for these cleaning cantons, which generate noise and odors, near schools, health centers and homes. , and has opted to look for other locations.

The PSOE will present allegations to the Waste Strategy of the Madrid City Council with the aim of improving the collection and recovery of garbage, promoting the education of the population to not generate so much waste and having a clean city, where waste is not a problem .