The storm Aline has left more than 1,750 incidents in its path through Andalusia between yesterday and the first hour of this Friday, although the rain has given a respite to a region immersed in a very complicated situation due to lack of water. This was commented by the Minister of Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy, Ramón Fernández-Pacheco, who explained today that these rainfall “are not going to solve the problem of drought” but that they represent “a relief.” “Blessed rain, we needed it,” he said.

And this ‘blessing’ has generated a multitude of problems in all the provinces of the community, mainly in Seville and Cádiz. As detailed by Emergencies 112 in a statement, the majority of warnings have been caused by falls of branches, trees, street furniture, fences, partial detachments of cornices or facades and partial flooding of basements of homes, commercial premises, garages and water ponds. . There have also been numerous incidents due to obstacles on roads and streets due to the effects of the wind.

Aline, on the other hand, caused the closure of the San Lucas Fair venue held in the capital of Jaén and affected the circulation of trains between Guadajoz and Majarabique, in the province of Seville, and between Montoro and Villa del Río, in the province of Córdoba, affecting the High Speed ??line with Madrid.

It has been the province of Seville that has accumulated the most warnings in the last few hours, exceeding 700. Many of them have been due to falling tree branches or entire trees. This is what happened in the Pino Montano neighborhood of the capital of Seville, when a palm tree gave way to the force of the wind.

A woman, mobile phone in hand, broadcast the exact moment in which the palm tree gave way and collapsed in a park without causing any personal injury. A video that has gone viral and that has occupied minutes of news today due to the comments of the ‘reporter’ who, without a doubt, has managed to bring a smile to all the Internet users who have seen it.

Cádiz has been the second province with the highest number of emergencies, with more than 270, especially in Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Jerez de la Frontera and the Campo de Gibraltar area, where firefighters have had to intervene in draining water from the center of health Algeciras-Sur Saladillo. The Consortium Firefighters rescued a kitesurfer who had been injured on a tree on Valdevaqueros beach in Tarifa, and was evacuated to the Punta Europa Hospital.

In Córdoba, where the storm has also caused more than 250 incidents, the wind on Thursday caused an elderly man to be evacuated to the Reina Sofía Hospital after an awning fell on him on Santa María de Trassierra street and another person was assisted after a tree fell on him while he was driving. with your car on the CO-4100 highway. The CO-4207 road remains closed in both directions due to flooding of the road at kilometer 5,300.

In Malaga, the storm has generated more than 150 emergencies due to wind and rain, especially in coastal municipalities, such as Mijas, Fuengirola and Benalmádena. However, the most serious emergency took place last night around 9:30 p.m. in the capital of Malaga, when the bus that covers line 20 lost control, predictably due to accumulation of water, and crashed into a wall. The event took place on Fátima Avenue. Six passengers traveling in this public transport vehicle had to be transferred to the Clinical Hospital with injuries of varying degrees.

On the other hand, the driver of a motorcycle also in Malaga was injured when a tree branch fell on him on Pacífico Street.

In Huelva, the number of incidents rises to one hundred. The fall of a lamppost on the A-497 highway in Huelva as it passed over the bridge towards Punto Umbría caused no injuries. The Firefighters have also worked to remove branches and trees in municipalities such as Niebla, Cabezas Rubias, in Paterna del Campo due to the overturning of a metal roof of a warehouse, Punta Umbría or a fallen tree in the Galaroza crossing, as well as warnings for flooding and accumulation of pools of water in streets of the capital.

In the eastern provinces, both Granada and Jaén, there have also been more than a hundred warnings in each, especially in their respective capitals due to falling branches, trees and street furniture without any evidence of personal injury. In Granada, a pine tree about 20 meters high fell this morning on the facade of a house and blocked the GR-3101 road in Alfacar.

Almería has been the province that has suffered the least from the effects of Storm Aline, recording only around thirty incidents due to the detachment of cornices, branches, trees and falling objects on the secondary road network of the province in municipalities such as Turre, Adra, Vera and Mojácar.

The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) maintains warnings for rain, wind and waves in different areas of the provinces of Almería, Granada and Jaén for this Friday.