The influencer María Pombo is once again at the center of the media hurricane. Just a few days after her sister Marta Pombo’s wedding to Luis Zamalloa, the digital creator has been involved in a controversy derived from some statements she made in the podcast Between the sky and the clouds, a radio space presented by her friend Laura Scans.

The businesswoman responded simply and naturally when asked how she would take her son telling her that he is part of the LGTBI community: ”I think they don’t have to tell you, as a mother you know. So I think that the moment your son comes and tells you, it’s like ‘well, great, let’s continue, what do you want to eat?’ (…) I would make it easy for him so he wouldn’t have to sit down and tell me. I wish my son didn’t have to tell me ‘I’m gay.'”

Although it seems that María Pombo was blunt and showed her support and commitment to the LGTBIQ community by openly saying that she would accept her son and that she would not give more importance to the issue, many media outlets have decontextualized her words, something that has generated a wave of hateful comments towards the entrepreneur.

”I didn’t know whether to say something or not about this topic, but since I keep receiving messages of this type and it is something so out of place and so unfair that I do see it necessary. The night before my sister’s wedding, I began to receive a wave of messages of insults and threats of this type. “I didn’t understand absolutely anything,” the influencer wrote in a story on her Instagram profile showing some messages sent to her account calling her “homophobic” and wishing her the worst.

The young mother has uploaded different screenshots of some media outlets that published the information with headlines “taken out of context”, which has generated great misinformation about her response and her opinion.

After publishing her complete response, the woman from Madrid has remained calm, since it is clearly seen how at no time did she express herself badly or speak in a denigrating manner about the LGTBIQ community.

The host of the podcast that Pombo attended also wanted to dedicate some Instagram stories to the topic and raise awareness among her followers of the danger of reading biased information, as well as expressing her discontent with the press and making it clear that her friend did not engage in any behavior. homophobic

”It’s normal that later we don’t want to attend to the press, interviews and others… to save ourselves things like this. Anyway… ”, expressed Álvaro de Luna’s girlfriend, visibly upset in front of her more than 1.9 million viewers.