Many things have been said and written about how to break eggs to make an omelette, a cake or anything else. The ideal way is one that does not burst the yolk and does not introduce any part of the shell inside, so that it does not become contaminated by external bacteria.

The question is not easy. Many people break them against the edge of the plate or pan, but this is a mistake. Furthermore, you should not put your finger inside the egg to avoid introducing pathogenic microorganisms.

The most widespread and effective way to break eggs is, therefore, against a smooth surface. But there’s more, it doesn’t stop there, according to Instagram user Jordan the Stallion.

As can be seen in the video, the best way to break eggs is not by smashing them against a smooth surface, but by dropping them. This way, the eggs will break evenly, with the shell well separated, and you will only have to take the two halves and open the egg so that all the contents fall into the pan, bowl, plate or container that be.

This article was originally published on RAC1.