* The author is part of the community of readers of La Vanguardia

In the Photos of the Readers of La Vanguardia we can see in this series of photographs the spectacular forest of Santa Maria de Besora, in the Osona region, with the colors of autumn.

And, at the same time, the nearby Salt del Mir, completely dry and with more and more vegetation where there should be water if we were not going through this long period of drought.

El Salt del Mir is located in the Bellmunt mountain range, between Vidrà and Santa Maria de Besora, across from the counties of Ripollès and Osona. In normal conditions, it is a beautiful 35 meter high waterfall, located in an extraordinary natural setting, but now it is a totally invisible, non-existent waterfall.

The itinerary to reach Salt del Mir is easy, short and suitable for all ages, although it is better to be careful when stepping in the most humid areas so as not to slip, especially if it rains, although with this drought it seems unlikely.

Santa Maria de Besora, at 870 meters above sea level, is in Bisaura territory. It is located in the plain or Pla de Teia, at the foot of the hill where we find the remains of the Besora castle and the Romanesque church of Santa Maria, consecrated in 898.