The Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, will not run for re-election in the Basque elections to be held next spring. The current leader of the Basque Executive was willing to continue one more term and run for his fourth re-election; However, the PNV Executive has decided to bet on an alternative that can provide a coup d’état in the face of the close fight they have with EH Bildu. The news has just been reported by the newspaper El Correo at a time when all the spotlights were turning towards Sabin Etxea, after this newspaper pointed out this possibility over the weekend.

In this way, Urkullu will end three terms at the head of the Basque Government next spring, after succeeding the socialist Patxi López in office.

He achieved the presidency in a political struggle that had some similarities with the current one. Bildu came from spectacular results in its first elections, the municipal elections of 2011, and, with the Amaiur brand, in the general elections of the same year it won seats over the PNV. In the Basque elections the following year, Urkullu clearly won after a campaign focused on highlighting the virtues of what is still his brand image today: seriousness and reliability.

Three terms in office later, opinion studies show that he continues to be a political leader who generates trust. It is likely, however, that he did not provide an extra amount of enthusiasm to mobilize and it is evident that he is showing wear and tear. And that is where the PNV’s decision lies.

The Jeltzale Executive has assessed that another candidate, particularly another candidate, can provide a coup d’état in the face of the close battle that the party maintains with EH Bildu.

After the brilliant emergence of Bildu in 2011, Iñigo Urkullu and his team knew how to read the political moment and surpass the group that at times seemed called to lead the new time without violence.

The trident formed by Andoni Ortuzar, in Bilbao, at the head of the PNV; Aitor Esteban, in Madrid, as spokesperson in Congress; and Iñigo Urkullu in Vitoria-Gasteiz, at the head of the Executive; led the game to its best results since the split with Eusko Alkartasuna.