The discussion about whether or not dogs can eat bones has a long history. While some specialists assure that they can be dangerous, others maintain that, depending on what type of bone it is, they may not represent any harm to the animal.

The main issue lies with each dog. All dogs are different, and even more so when they are different breeds. That is why it is recommended to consult with the veterinarian before offering him a bone, since it is likely that his teeth can withstand it or not, as well as detect if he has any oral disease.

According to an investigation by the dog media Dog Time, it is preferable not to give cooked meat bones, especially chicken, to dogs. This is, they say, because they are quite weak and tend to break and splinter, which could cause a series of problems. Among them: tooth breakage, injuries to the tongue and gums, blockages or occlusions in the esophagus, trachea and gastrointestinal system, among others.

Problems of this type were even detected with products sold in veterinary stores. The United States Food and Drug Administration has repeatedly reported, since 2015, problems with edible dog bones from different brands, such as Pork Femur Bones and Smokey Knuckle Bones.

It is necessary to consult with a veterinarian before giving a chew bone to your dog.

It is also important to consult with veterinarians about what type of chew bones your dog can consume.

According to a report from the nonprofit American Kennel Club, there are some benefits to giving dogs a bone, but on certain occasions and following some steps. Some advantages are the levels of minerals and nutrients they have, the stimulation of saliva and that they can help prevent the dog from scratching or licking its paws.

The site made a short list of things to keep in mind if you’re going to give your dog a bone:

Give only raw meat bones. Take it off after 10 to 15 minutes and store it in the refrigerator. Throw the bone in the trash after three or four days. The larger the dog in terms of size, the larger the bone should be. Be attentive to what the dog is doing while playing with the bone.