The dog is one of man’s best friends, says the famous phrase. And they have several ways of showing their happiness when they are surrounded by loved ones, as well as their gratitude when they are treated with love and respect.

Some studies on their behavior reveal those specific signs that these pets present when they are happy.

Takefumi Kikusui, a researcher at Azubu University in Japan, developed a study that concluded that dogs increase their tear levels when they see their owners arrive. This is a positive reaction, as it shows that the dog was truly looking forward to seeing his human friends again.

When dogs are left alone, they wait near the door for their owner’s arrival.

This analysis was carried out by comparing the behavior of several animals when they saw their owners or completely unknown people arrive. On the other hand, these results add to the study from the Memorial University of Newfoundland, in Canada, which maintains that dogs seek the company of their owners when they find themselves in unusual situations.

According to a comparative study between dogs and wolves carried out by university institutes in Arizona and Virginia, in the United States, dogs prefer to first seek contact with their owners before eating.

Dogs prefer to be in contact with their owners rather than eat.

According to this analysis, the dogs that participated in the test first looked for their owners before investigating the food presented by the developers, while the wolves went straight to the food and ignored the presence of their caregivers.

In 2020, a study carried out by specialists from Arizona State University was published on the Plos One site, which ensures that dogs are capable of understanding whether their owner is in danger or not.

The specialists put the dog owners in boxes and observed the dogs’ reaction, which began to bark, howl and try to free them.