The 23 million Taiwanese living in Taiwan are constantly under threat from an invasion by China. China considers Taiwan as part of its territory and will retake it one day.

The Taipei-based Chinese Television System, (CTS), raised alarm by airing several news alerts on their screen. These included “New Taipei City Hit by Communist Army’s Guided Missiles” and “Vessels Exploded, Facilities and Ships Damage in Taipei Port.”

Other alerts stated, “Communist China has frequent war preparations. The President issued an emergency order.” and “War could breakout, New Taipei City opens a joint emergency command-and-control center.”

CTS blamed the error on staff who misunderstoodly published content from disaster prevention drills the station was commissioned for New Taipei City’s fire department.

“CTS apologizes for this serious flaw that has caused panic among the general public and trouble to the relevant units,” the company stated in a statement.

These false war warnings came at a moment of increased fears about Taiwan, triggered by Russia’s invasion in Ukraine. There are also concerns that China may one day threaten to annexe its smaller neighbor.

CTS stated that it had issued corrections and apologies to multiple channels. It also said that it would “severely punish the” responsible parties after an internal investigation.

“Don’t panic,” was the message. It was posted on its official Facebook page with a photo showing a clarification alert that said: “CTS mistakenly run war and disaster prevention message. There is no need to panic.”

While some on social media expressed anger and scorn, there was no panic in Taipei on Wednesday morning.

Since President TsaiIng-wen’s election in 2016, Beijing has increased pressure on Taiwan, since the Taiwanese consider Taiwan a sovereign nation and not Chinese territory.

The saber-rattling of the Chinese has intensified over the past year. warplanes have been able to breach Taiwan’s air defence zone almost daily.

According to AFP’s database, Taiwan had 969 incursions last year — more than twice the roughly 380 in 2020.

In the first four months of this year, there were approximately 300 sorties.