The Sarmat missile test launch comes amid rising tensions between Moscow, the West and Russia over Russian military action in Ukraine. It also underlines Kremlin’s focus on the country’s nuclear forces.

Russia’s Defense Ministry stated Wednesday that the Sarmat ICBM was launched from the Plesetsk launch site in northern Russia. Its practice warheads successfully hit mock targets at the Kura firing range, on the eastern Kamchatka Peninsula.

The launch was successful, according to the company. It also proved the missile’s characteristics in all phases of flight.

John Kirby, Pentagon Press Secretary, stated that Russia had provided advance notice to the United States about the launch as per the New START nuclear arms treaty between Washington and Moscow.

He stated that Russia had informed the United States in accordance with its New START obligations, that it intended to test the ICBM. This type of testing is not unusual. It wasn’t surprising. The test was not considered a threat by the United States of America or its allies.

Putin spoke to high-ranking officials and praised the Sarmat launch. He claimed that the new missile had no foreign counterparts and was capable of piercing any potential missile defense.

Putin stated that this “unique weapon” will increase the combat potential of our armed force, ensure Russia’s security against external threats, and make those who use frantic aggressive rhetoric to threaten our country think twice.

Putin stressed that the Sarmat was built entirely from domestic components, despite the recent Western sanctions banning the export of high-tech products and technology to Russia.

He said, “Of course this will simplify serial production by enterprises in the military-industrial sector” and speed up its delivery to Strategic Missile Forces.

The Sarmat, a heavy missile developed for replacing the Soviet-made Voyevoda that was code-named Satan in the West, is currently under development. It forms the heart of Russia’s nuclear arsenal.

The Defense Ministry stated that the Sarmat was the most powerful missile with the greatest range anywhere in the world and will greatly increase the capabilities of the country’s strategic nuclear forces.

According to the ministry, the Sarmat can carry hypersonic gliders and other types of warheads. According to Russian military, the Avangard hypersonic vehicle can be attached to the new missile.

According to the military, the Avangard can fly 27 times faster than sound speed and make sharp maneuvers to avoid the enemy’s missile shield.

It was fitted to the Soviet-built intercontinental missiles rather than older warheads. The first unit equipped with the Avangard entered service in December 2019.

Dmitry Rogozin (the head of Roscosmos, the state agency that oversees the Sarmat missile factory) described Wednesday’s test in a comment posted to his messaging app channel.

Rogozin stated that the Sarmat will be commissioned by military after its trials are over. He called it a “superweapon”.