U.N. and U.S. officials met Tuesday to discuss the threat of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion to hamper humanitarian efforts to feed the hungry. They also stated that the war would make the situation worse than anything since World War II.

The World Food Program, an international organization, works to provide food for millions of people who have been affected by conflict or natural disasters. David Beasley was the executive director of the organization, but he said Tuesday that they are unable to do so.

He said that WFP had already been forced to reduce food rations due to rising fuel and food costs. This was before Putin ordered an invasion of Ukraine. He stated that Yemen was the only country where they needed to reduce food rations by 50%. WFP reports that 31,000 people are in danger of “famine-like situations”. This number could rise to 161,000 by June. According to the organization, 2.2 million children are considered “acutely malnourished” in the country.

He stated that they were looking at going to “zero rations” on Tuesday. “… We’re talking about a disaster on top of a disaster.

Beasley stated that Ukraine has become “the breadbasket” of the world and is now producing bread lines.

According to WFP, Ukraine supplies 31% of the wheat that has been imported into Yemen in the last three months. It is also one the largest suppliersof sunflower oil. According to IHS Markit, Ukraine was the second largest supplier of grain for the European Union in 2021.

Beasley stated, “We would never have thought that something like this would be possible.” “And it’s more than just destabilizing Ukraine and its region. It will also have a global context impact that is beyond anything we’ve ever seen since World War II.”

U.S. Deputy Secretary-of-State Wendy Sherman stated at the meeting that U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization estimates “that as many 13 million more people in the world may be forced into food insecurity due to Russia’s invasion Ukraine.”

“The facts are clear, colleagues: Sanctions don’t prevent grain from leaving Ukraine’s ports. Sherman stated that Putin’s war was. “… President Putin is responsible for the conduct of war against Ukraine and its effects on global food security.

Russia’s U.N. denied this accusation. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia said that Russia’s U.N. had denied this accusation.

Beasley stated that the main concern is to find a way “stabilize food supply chain system.”

“The people who managed to make it to the outside, the 3 to 4 million people, can be said to be the lucky ones. They are receiving food, shelter, help and some hope from the dangers. He said that there are 40 million people inside Ukraine, which is 40 million people. “… The frontlines of fighting are the farmers.”