WordPress 1.0 was released all the way back in 2004 as a Content Management System that focused on blogging. Despite the age of the original system, it remains the most dominant CMS in plenty of fields. WordPress powers around 39 percent of the internet. If you are visiting an eCommerce site, blog, or institutional website, then the chances are pretty high that you are surfing a site built upon the WordPress framework. This article takes a closer look at some of the reasons why WordPress is such a behemoth when it comes to building websites.

Ease Of Use

Unlike some Content Management Systems, WordPress is incredibly easy to use if you want to perform basic maintenance and customisation. The open-source platform uses a dashboard system, which allows site owners to make some changes without knowing how to write complex code. This makes WordPress the perfect platform for people running small businesses without a budget for web development. For more complex custom WordPress websites, it is best to hire a specialist agency. Companies like ALT Agency can work wonders on the WordPress platform.


One thing that really sets WordPress apart from other CMS platforms is plugin compatibility. Because WordPress is an open-source platform, the opportunities for plugin development are nearly endless. Some plugins have become institutions in and of themselves. WooCommerce, for instance, is a WordPress plugin that is widely used by eCommerce business owners. It allows for the seamless setup of logistics and sales and is tailored heavily to the online retail market.


WordPress is an incredibly adaptable platform for website building. Although it was first developed for the blogging community, the modular design of the platform means that it can be adapted for almost any application you can think of. It is easy to build mobile-compatible websites, add features with plugins, create a custom theme, and essentially build a completely bespoke and practical website from the ground up.

One of the reasons for WordPress’s continued popularity is just how adaptable it is. Such is the breadth of its applications that it can be hard to think of any reasons why you might want to use any other CMS – it simply trumps them all. 


WordPress has a healthy community of users that can be extremely helpful. There are communities centered around the development of new plugins, fixing bugs in themes, and creating the perfect homepage. Almost any question you might have about WordPress has been asked before – and in most cases, the question has been answered by a helpful community member.


Search Engine Optimization is crucial to the success of a website. Sites need to be ranked well by algorithms that determine relevancy for search engines like Google. WordPress has kept up to date remarkably well with search engine ranking algorithms. It is easy to incorporate keywords, tags, metadata, and other search engine-friendly content on a WordPress site, which is a compelling reason for its enduring success.

If you are looking to build a website, WordPress could be your best friend in this case. The above reasons show just why it is still so popular after all these years, and you could quickly see this for yourself when building your site.