
Sean and Tracy’s love story is nothing short of a miracle. After 20 years of dating, Sean, who is a quadriplegic, proposed to Tracy and they decided to get married. However, when Tracy went to the Broward County Courthouse to get their marriage certificate, she was told that Sean had to be there in person, which seemed impossible given his condition.

Tracy was devastated and felt helpless, but Help Me Howard stepped in to assist them. Howard Finkelstein emphasized that the Americans with Disabilities Act requires accommodations for people with disabilities, and the clerk’s office should have made arrangements for Sean to apply for the certificate without having to be physically present.

After some back and forth, the Broward Clerk’s Office agreed to conduct a Zoom hearing for Sean to verify his information and sign the necessary documents. Despite the challenges Sean faced in communicating and physically signing his name, the clerk made adjustments to accommodate him, and the marriage certificate was finally official.

With the certificate in hand, Sean and Tracy can now focus on planning their wedding, which is set to take place in November. Their story serves as a reminder of the importance of seeking help when faced with obstacles, and the power of advocacy in ensuring that everyone has access to their rights.

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you are struggling to resolve a problem, don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance. Whether it’s contacting Help Me Howard or finding the right person in authority, there are always options available to help you navigate through challenges. Sean and Tracy’s story is a testament to the fact that with perseverance and the right support, anything is possible.