Over the years, there have been mind-boggling technological advancements. These new technologies have greatly influenced how we carry out our daily activities. Whether you are using your promo code amwager in your favorite online horse betting site, or you want to view a new apartment using virtual reality, technology has got you covered.

From the trends in the recent past, we take a look at the top 10 breakthrough technologies for 2020.

Unhackable internet

Quantum physics will be used to enable naturally secure communication over the internet. There is a team at the Delft University of Technology, which is building a network that is connecting four cities in the Netherlands.

The network is based on quantum physics technology. Messages sent over this network cannot be hacked. This technology relies on the quantum behavior of atomic particles known as entanglement.

You cannot secretly read the entangled photons without disrupting their content. The only challenge is to transmit the entangled particles over long distances.

There is a need for quantum repeaters to help extend the network. The repeaters are being designed in Delft. Once the design is complete, we shall have a global quantum network hence an unhackable internet.

Hyper-personalized medicine

We are likely to have medicine that has been tailored to the particular needs of a single patient. You will see drugs that are customized for rare diseases and genetic mutations.

With this tech, ailments that could not be treated in the past will be managed. Those suffering from incurable diseases will have hope with this technology.

Digital Money

The use of physical currency is declining gradually. Digital money exists only in digital form hence having significant implications on privacy.

It has benefits such as instant transactions and might also see traditional intermediaries cut out. Cryptocurrencies using blockchain technology are decentralized and have various sources.

Going forward, they have the potential to disintegrate the global financial systems.

Anti-aging drugs

Anti-aging drugs are edging closer to the market. Various diseases could be prevented, for example, cancer, dementia, and heart disease if the aging process is slowed down.

These drugs will focus on the natural aging process in the body. As of now, there has already been some success with these drugs in human tests.

AI-discovered molecules

Using the collaboration between humans and machines, scientists are using AI to find out molecules that can be significant in the healthcare system.

In the recent past, AI was successfully used to discover a new antibiotic from scratch. Developing a new drug has been expensive since identifying molecules was tough. But, AI scientists can evaluate millions of molecules faster and effectively.

Satellite mega – constellations

In the quest to provide every corner of the world with high speed internet, satellite mega – constellations will emerge. This technology is the answer to spotty WiFi signals and cellular connections.

There is therefore need for international regulations governing the operation of these satellites to avoid chaos.

Quantum supremacy

Google claims to have already achieved quantum supremacy with its Sycamore quantum processor. The Sycamore was able to resolve a set of randomly distributed numbers in three minutes 20 seconds. It was estimated that a normal computer would take 10,000 years to complete the same task.

But, we are still years away from having a quantum computer that can solve the problems we want solved.

Tiny AI

Consumer devices like phones can now run powerful AI algorithms without consulting the cloud. Through tiny AI researchers are able to shrink the size of existing AI models without losing their capability.

Therefore, latency is eliminated since there is no communication with the cloud and privacy issues are fewer.

Differential privacy

This technology will be used in the US 2020 census. Differential privacy enables organizations to gather and distribute information about users without compromising their privacy.

With differential privacy, scientists cannot access raw data which solves the privacy problem.

Climate change attribution

Improved computer processing power has enabled scientists to attribute the role of climate change in harsh weather events. With climate attribution we are able to prepare for future events and hold governments responsible for damages done by events caused by climate change.