The Civil Guard has launched an alert through its Twitter account about a new phishing method that is being used to distribute malware. According to the notice, cybercriminals are impersonating Endesa, the Spanish electricity company with the most users, to carry out the deception.

The Civil Guard tweet warns users not to open suspicious emails that appear to come from Endesa, as they could contain a malicious link. Furthermore, it advises users to check the sender’s email address carefully and not to download any attachments when in doubt.

For its part, the National Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE) has also published an alert of medium importance (3 out of 5), on this same subject, on its website. INCIBE has confirmed that malware is being distributed through emails that impersonate Endesa, and has provided detailed information on the modus operandi of cybercriminals.

Endesa’s fake email informs recipients The message informs users that they can download their invoice, which is attached to the email as a .zip compressed file, but is actually an .msi file, that is, an executable file which in this case contains malicious code.

INCIBE has recommended that users always verify the authenticity of an email before clicking on a link or downloading an attachment. In case of doubt, they advise contacting the supposedly sending company through its official website or by phone to confirm the veracity of the email.

It also gives a series of actions to be carried out in case of ‘having fallen into the trap’, such as:

In short, it is a new alert about a phishing method that is being used to distribute malware through fake emails. It is a method widely used by hackers, who all they do is change the subject of the email in question. So it’s important for users to be vigilant and carefully check the authenticity of any email before clicking on a link or downloading an attachment.