The Civil Guard has warned of a smishing campaign (sending fraudulent SMS to obtain confidential data) by a group of cybercriminals posing as Social Security and requesting personal information from their victims via mobile phone.

The police force warns: “A smishing campaign has been detected impersonating Social Security. They request to update the health card through a link. The form asks for personal data in order to steal it and use it fraudulently”, they explain.

The SMS format is as follows: “SOCIAL SECURITY: Your health card requires an update. Update it to maintain your services”, and then a fraudulent URL is added that presents a screen simulating an official portal of the public administration, where name and surname, date of birth and email are requested.

From the Civil Guard they warn that “if you have received an SMS like the one mentioned above, but you have not clicked on the link or provided your data, delete the message and block the sender of it”, to avoid future interference by cybercriminals on your devices.

On the other hand, in the event that you have already fallen for the scam, the Civil Guard takes a series of steps to follow: such as collecting evidence of the fraud, carrying out a search of our own data to see where it has been published -and requesting delete them if it has been in an unauthorized site-, monitor your email to avoid phishing attacks or request help from Social Security to check if this attack has affected you in this area.

In addition, the Civil Guard warns that “it is not ruled out that there are other similar campaigns also through emails requesting the same information”, noting that there are similar scams underway that seek to collect personal data.