Telegram has ended up giving in and will also include stories in the purest Instagram style. This was announced by Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, who explained that in early July they will begin to support this function after thousands of requests to include it from users of the social network.
At first Durov was against including the stories in his application: “They are already everywhere,” said the person in charge. However, the avalanche of requests for Telegram to also include stories has led developers to end up accepting this trend that reaches all apps.
Of course, Telegram stories will have some of their own characteristics. For example, users will be able to decide who can see each of their stories: everyone, their contacts, a select few contacts, or a list of close friends. We can also choose how long the stories will be available for those who can see them: 6, 12, 24 or 48 hours.
Additionally, stories will be placed in a dropdown section at the top of the chat list, and users will be able to hide stories that are posted to any contact by moving them to the “Hidden” list in their contacts section instead of the main screen. .
Users will also have the option to add captions and links to their stories, as well as being able to tag other people in them. It will also be possible to post photos and videos taken with the front and rear cameras simultaneously in a similar style to BeReal.
One of the most interesting options will be to add permanent stories to your profile, as is done with the highlights on Instagram: “The possibility of saving your stories on the profile page will make Telegram profiles more informative and colorful,” he highlighted. Durov, who believes that with all these options “going viral will be much easier.”