Starfield points to the stars. The ambitious new game from the American developer Bethesda Game Studios has been the main protagonist of the Xbox Games Showcase presentation.

During the digital event held yesterday by Microsoft with the aim of publicizing the news that will arrive in its gaming ecosystem in the coming months and years, Starfield has had its own 45-minute presentation.

Even if you are not a video game enthusiast, it is worth spending a few minutes on the following video in order to understand the magnitude that this type of blockbuster is reaching.

Rarely has a single title attracted so much attention during the presentations that the big video game companies usually celebrate the weeks before summer, coinciding with the dates on which the E3 fair in Los Angeles used to be held and which this year has been canceled again .

Starfield is the great bet of the Microsoft video game division for this 2023, and not only because the American giant owns Bethesda Game Studios, but because this space adventure is exactly the type of game that the Xbox brand needs to not lose steam in this competitive market.

After suffering a release date delay of almost a year, this space adventure will be available worldwide on September 6th. The days before the Xbox Games Showcase there was fear that a new delay would be announced, but it seems that this date is already final.

The Starfield Direct, as this 45-minute presentation dedicated to the game has been dubbed, has in no way diminished the high expectations many have for this project. Although last year we expressed our doubts about the excessive ambition of the project –those famous 1,000 planets that we will be able to explore–, this time it has been possible to see much more of the game and its state, apparently very advanced.

The new game from the studio responsible for two franchises as important as The Elder Scrolls and Fallout will be set in the year 2330, at a time when humanity explores space with the aim of settling on new planets. As its director, veteran designer Todd Howard, points out at the beginning of the demo, “Starfield is our first new universe in 25 years.”

The video shows many of the game’s dynamics in detail, from the character editor to the action sequences. As can be seen, Starfield will allow you to offer great freedom of exploration and customization. “We want to recreate that feeling of being whoever you want and exploring a new world,” says Howard.

Starfield will be available on September 6 on Xbox Series and PC. Like all games developed by internal Microsoft studios, it will be available from day one on the Game Pass service.