Samsung wants nothing to do with ChatGPT. The South Korean company is banning the use of the popular Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot after discovering a leak of confidential data, which could pose a problem for the security of the technology, which has informed its workers through an informative note to which Bloomberg has had access.

“Interest in generative AI platforms such as ChatGPT has been growing internally and externally,” Samsung acknowledges in its letter. But, in addition to its benefits, the multinational also recalls the risks involved in its use: “Although this interest is focused on the usefulness and efficiency of these platforms, there is also growing concern about the security risks posed by generative AI ”.

Samsung makes this decision after the staff uploaded a confidential code to the platform developed by OpenAI. “A setback”, according to sources close to this medium. However, “it is not clear what information it covered.”

The South Korean company is concerned that the data will be transmitted to AI platforms. And it’s not just about ChatGPT. He also believes that the use of Google Bard and Bing may become a security problem. The multinational’s specialists explain that this information is stored on external servers, which makes it difficult to recover and eliminate them. In this way, they could end up being disclosed to other users, according to the document.

Given the rise of this type of technology, the company conducted a survey last month on the internal use of AI tools. 65% of those surveyed believe that such services represent a risk to the company’s security, a view also shared by the company.

Samsung is not the only multinational to express concern about these tools. As Bloomberg recalls, in February, some Wall Street banks, including JPMorgan Chase

In Spain, the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD) announced a few weeks ago that it had officially initiated preliminary investigation proceedings against the American company OpenAI for a possible breach of data protection regulations.