
Panasonic Unveils Latest Lumix GH7 Mirrorless System Camera

The newest addition to Panasonic’s lineup of mirrorless system cameras, the Lumix GH7, is set to revolutionize the video sector with its cutting-edge features. The focus is on providing videographers with a simple workflow for easy setup and maximum post-production possibilities.

Video and Audio Capabilities

The Lumix GH7 offers internal recording up to 5.7K 30p in ProRes 422 HQ and ProRes RAW HQ, catering to the needs of videographers. It features two card slots for smooth raw video recording up to C4K without time limits. Additionally, the camera allows for recording proxy files in parallel on an SD card in a lower resolution format for easier computer readability.

Color Control and Supporting Functions

Videographers can manipulate colors directly in the camera with the Lumix GH7, utilizing the 39 available LUT slots and overlaying photo filters. The camera also includes supporting functions such as a waveform monitor, cut-out display, and Vector Scope to enhance the video recording experience.

Advanced Audio Recording

The Lumix GH7 supports audio recordings as 32-bit floats, offering a high dynamic range to capture both loud and quiet sounds with exceptional detail. This eliminates the need for live adjustments, reduces errors, and provides excellent post-processing capabilities.

Streaming and Connectivity

The camera allows for seamless sharing of files on Adobe’s when connected to the Internet via WLAN or USB tethering. Streaming options are available via Wi-Fi or USB-C, enabling high-quality video transmission for collaboration and remote work.

Technical Innovations

Panasonic has implemented an AI-trained phase hybrid autofocus in the GH7, capable of detecting animals, people, and multiple subjects within a group. The camera features a new 25-megapixel BSI-CMOS sensor and Micro-Four-Thirds format, along with advanced image stabilization and video recording options.

Pricing and Availability

The Lumix GH7 will be released in various kit versions starting from July 2024, with the camera body priced at €2,199. Additional kits with lenses will be available for €2,399 and €2,799, offering videographers a range of options to suit their needs.